EyeDB Papers
- The EyeDB OODBMS. E. Viara, E. Barillot & G. Vaysseix; International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium 1999, Montreal, August 1999, IEEE publications, pp 390-402, 1999.
- Distributing CORBA Views From an OODBMS. E. Viara, E. Barillot & G. Vaysseix;International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium 2002, Edmonton, July 2002, IEEE publications, pp 116-129, 2002.
Projects using EyeDB
- The IDB database system and its use in the human genome project: HUGEMAP.E. Viara, S. Pook, B. Lacroix, M. Tissot, L. Atlan, A. Cohen-Akenine,
G. Vaysseix & E. Barillot; Interconnection of Molecular Biology Databases, Stanford, California, 1994.
- RHmap, a radiation hybrid database for heavy user access and a test case for comparing relational and object oriented technologies.P. Rodriguez-Tomé, G. Vaysseix, E. Viara & E. Barillot;Interconnection of Molecular Biology Databases, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1995.
- Solutions to the interoperation of biological databases.E. Barillot, G. Vaysseix, F. Achard, E. Viara, T. Flores & P. Rodriguez-Tomé; Human Genome Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany, 1996.
- RHYME: An Implementation of Database Interoperation in Molecular Biology based on distributed and architecture-independant techniques.E. Barillot, F. Guyon, E. Viara & G. Vaysseix; Human Genome Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 1997.
- HuGeMap: a distributed and integrated Human Genome Map database.E. Barillot, F. Guyon, C. Cussat-Blanc, E. Viara & G. Vaysseix;Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 26, pp 106-107, 1998.
- Virgil: a database of rich links between GDB and Genbank.F. Achard & E. Barillot;Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 26, pp 100-101, 1998.
- The new Virgil database: a service of rich links.F. Achard, C. Cussat-Blanc, E. Viara & E. Barillot;BIOINFORMATICS, Vol. 14, pp 342-348, 1998.
- A standard representation for links between genome objectsF. Achard, C. Cussat-Blanc, E. Viara, G. Vaysseix, P. Dessen and E. Barillot;Human Genome Meeting, Turin, Italy, 1998.
- Zomit: biological data visualisation and browsing.S. Pook, G. Vaysseix & E. Barillot; BIOINFORMATICS, Vol. 14 No. 9, pp 807-814, 1998.
- Virgil: a databank of links between GDB and Genbank.F. Achard & E. Barillot;BIOINFORMATICS, Vol. 14, 342-348, 1998.
- Distributing and visualising biological objects at Infobiogen.E. Viara, S. Pook, F. Guyon, C. Cussat-Blanc, G. Vaysseix & E. Barillot>;Objects In Bioinformatics, Hinxton, 1998.
- The HuGeMap database: Interconnection and Visualisation of Human Genome Maps.E. Barillot, S. Pook, F. Guyon, C. Cussat-Blanc, E. Viara & G. Vaysseix; Nucleic Acids Research, in press, 1999.
- Virgil database for rich links (1999 update).F. Achard, G. Vaysseix, P. Dessen & E. Barillot; Nucleic Acids Research, in press, 1999.
- The Genetpig database: a tool for comparative mapping in pig (Sus scrofa).E. Karsenty, E. Barillot, G. Tosser-Klopp, Y. Lahbib-Mansais, F. Hatey, S. Cirera, M. Fredholm, B. Chowdhary, C. B. Jørgensen, M. Sawera, K. Wimmers, S. Ponsuksili, R. Davoli, L. Fontanesi, S. Braglia, P. Zambonelli, D. Bigi, S. Neuenschwander & J. Gellin; Nucleic Acids Research 2003 Jan 1;31(1):138-41.