
Language Syntax

Terminal Atom Syntax

To express the syntax of terminal atoms, we use the standard regular expression notation.

Integer Atom

Integers are coded on 64 bits.
The syntax for the integer type is one of the followings:

[0-9]+ 		 decimal base

0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ hexadecimal
0[0-7]+ octal
The domain for the integer type is as follows:
Minimal Value Maximal Value
-9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807
A few examples:
13940     // integer expressed in the decimal base
0x273f1   // integer expressed in the hexadecimal base
0x273F1   // integer expressed in the hexadecimal base
0100      // integer expressed in the octal base

Float Atom

The syntax for floating point atoms is one of the following regular expressions:


The domain for the float type is as follows:
Minimal Value Maximal Value
4.94065645841246544e-324 1.79769313486231570e+308
A few examples:

String Atom

The syntax for the string type is as follows:

The following escape sequences are interpreted:
Escape Sequence
\a alert BEL
\b backspace BS
\f form feed FF
\n newline NL (LF)
\r carriage return CR
\t horizontal tab HT
\v vertical tab VT
\\ backslash \
\" double quote "
\' single quote '
\ooo octal number \ooo
A few examples:
"hello \"world\""
"this is a multi-lines\ntext\n"
"this text contains escape sequences: \007\v\f\n''

Char Atom

The syntax for the char type is one of the followings:
'ascii character'

A few examples:

Boolean Atom

The syntax for a boolean atom is one of the followings:

Identifier Atom

The syntax for an identifier atom is as follows:

This means that an identifier must start whith a letter, a ``_'', a ``$'' or a ``#'' which may be followed by letters, digits, ``_'', ``$'' and ``#'' characters.

For instance, the following words are some valid identifiers:
Note that identifiers beginning by oql$ or oql# are reserved for special used by the interpreter.

Oid Atom

The syntax for an oid is as following:

Note that oid atoms are not typed directly by the user, but are produced by the database via the OQL interpreter.
The following words are some syntaxically valid atom oids:

Object Atom

The syntax for an atom object is as following:

Note that object atoms are not typed directly by the user, but are produced by OQL interpreter.
The following words are some syntaxically valid atom objects:

Null Atom

The null atom denotes an unitialized value. Its type depends on the context. It can denote a unitialized integer, float, char, string or oid.

The syntax for a null atom is one of the followings:

Nil Atom

The nil atom denotes the empty atom.
The syntax for a nil atom is as follows:

Non Terminal Atom Production

The other atoms - sets, bags, arrays, lists and structs - are non terminal atoms. This means that they cannot be generated using a simple lexical construct.

List, Set, Bag and Array Atoms

To construct a collection atom - list, set, bag or array -, one may use the function collection() where collection denotes the collection type, for instance:
set(1, 2, 3)
list(1, "hello", "world")
array(2, 3, list(3893, -2, 'a'), 22)
bag(2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12)
This is the simple way to construct such atoms, but as any other atoms, a collection atom may be produced by the OQL interpreter as the evaluation of a complex expression, for instance:
select x from Person x
produces an atom bag of objects.

Struct Atom

The most direct way to construct a struct atom is as follows:

For instance:
struct(a: 1)
struct(format: text, s: "this is the text")
struct(name: "john", age: 32, spouse: first(select Person))


Any programming language has its own set of reserved words (keywords) that cannot be used as identifiers. For instance, the keyword ``if'' cannot be used as a variable in a C program.
OQL also has its own set of keywords. But OQL is one part among others in the information system: for instance, there are an Object Model, an Object Definition Language (ODL) and Language bindings. The Object Model does not introduce any keyword, while ODL has its own set of keywords which are different from the OQL keywords. For instance, a class can include an attribute whose name is ``if'' as it is not a ODL keyword. If one wants to access this attribute in OQL, using for instance the path expression ``x.if'', we will get a syntax error. This is not acceptable.
We introduce in OQL (and in ODL) a way to neutralize any keyword: the token ``@'' used as a prefix keyword neutralizes the keyword and makes it a valid identifier. For instance, ``x.@if'', denotes the attribute ``if'' of the instance ``x''.
More generaly, ``@identifier'' denotes the identifier ``identifier'' whether ``identifier'' is a keyword or not.

OQL introduces the following keywords:
add all append array as
asc bag bodyof break by
char classof contents define delete
desc distinct do element else
empty eval except exists false
float for from function group
having ident if import in
int intersect is isset like
list mod new nil not
oid order pop print push
refof return scopeof select set
string struct structof suppress then
throw to true typeof union
unset unval valof where while


In OQL, comments are identical to the C++: For instance:
1 + 2;        // this is a comment
a := "hello"; /* this is another
                 comment */


A valid OQL construct is composed of a sequence of statements. Main of the statements are expression statements.

A statement can be one of the following:
- an expression statement,
- a selection statement, if/else,
- an iteration statement, while, do/while, for,
- a function definition statement, function
- a jump statement, break, return
- a compound statement,
- an empty statement.

The OQL expression sub-grammar is very close from the C grammar. The OQL grammar for the flow controls statement - if/else, while, do/while, for - is identical to the C grammar. The common operators of OQL and C have the same associativity and precedence.

Expression Statements

An expression statement is an expression following by a semicolon. Expressions are built from typed operands composed recursively by operators.

The syntax of an expression statement is as follows:
expr ;
where expr denotes any expression.

There are three main kinds of expressions: atomic expressions, unary expressions and binary expressions. Atomic expressions are composed of one terminal atom and no operators, unary expressions are composed of one operand and one operator, binary expressions are composed of two operands and one operator.

We divide the OQL expression family into several semantical sub-families according to their operators as follows:

- atomic expressions,
- arithmetic expressions,
- assignment expressions,
- auto increment & decrement expressions,
- comparison expressions,
- logical expressions,
- conditional lists,
- expression sequences,
- array deferencing,
- identifier expressions,
- path expressions,
- function call,
- method invocation,
- eval/unval operators,
- set expressions,
- object creation,
- object deletion,
- collection expressions,
- exception expressions,
- function definition expressions,
- conversion expressions,
- type information expressions
- query expressions,
- miscellenaous expressions

In the following sub-sections, we introduce all the OQL expression types using the following template presentation:
  1. we present first, in an unformal way, the syntax and the semantics of the operators,
  2. general formal information is presented in a first table:
    - operator(s)
    - type
    - syntax
    - operand types
    - functions
  3. in an optionnal second table, we present all the valid operand combination and their result type. A comment about the function performed is added if necessary. This table is skipped in case of the operand type combination is unique or trivial.
  4. in a last table, we introduce a few examples. The examples manipulating database objects use the schema that can be found in the directory
    // person.odl
    enum CivilState {
      Lady = 0x10,
      Sir  = 0x20,
      Miss = 0x40
    class Address {
      attribute string street;
      attribute string<32> town;
      attribute string country;
    class Person {
      attribute string name;
      attribute int age;
      attribute Address addr;
      attribute Address other_addrs[];
      attribute CivilState cstate;
      attribute Person * spouse inverse Person::spouse;
      attribute set<Car *> cars inverse owner;
      attribute array<Person *> children;
      int change_address(in string street, in string town,
                         out string oldstreet, out string oldtown);
      static int getPersonCount();
      index on name;
    class Car {
      attribute string brand;
      attribute int num;
      Person *owner inverse cars;
    class Employee extends Person {
      attribute long salary;
Expression types are gathered so to minimize the number of tables in this document.

Atomic Literal Expressions

Atomic literal expressions are expressions composed of a single terminal (or token or lexical unit) without any operator. They are also called primary expressions. These expressions have already been introduced in Section 5.1.
General Information
Operator no operator
Type unary
Syntax terminal atom
Operand Types integer, float, char, string, boolean, identifier, null, nil, oid,
Result Type same type as the operand

Expression Examples
expression result
1 1
2. 12.
'a' 'a'
"hello" "hello"
alpha value of alpha
true true
83283.1.29292:oid an error is raised in case of the oid is invalid.
  Otherwise the result is the input oid: 83283.1.29292:oid

Arithmetic Expressions

Arithmetic expressions gather the expressions used for any arithmetic computation: addition, multiplication, substraction, division, modulo, shift left and right, bitwise or, bitwise exclusive, bitwise and, bitwise complement. This Section introduced these operators with a special focus on the additive operator which is a multi-purpose operator.

Additive Expression

The additive operator (i.e. +) is used for arithmetic addition of integers, floating point numbers and characters, and is also used for string concatenation, list or array concatenation and set or bag union. Its functionality depends on the type of its operands: it is a polymorphic operator. Note that the choice of its functionality is done at evaluation time, not at compile time. That means that the functionality of an expression such as x + y is unknown until the evaluation time. Depending on the dynamic type of the operands x and y, it can be a simple arithmetic addition, a string or list or array concatenation, a set or bag union or it can raise an error.
When used as a arithmetic operator and when the two operands have not the same type, one of the operands can be automatically promote to the type of the second one. The promotion mechanism is the same as in the C or C++ languages: integer may be promoted to float, char may be promoted to float or integer.
General Information
Operator +
Type binary
Syntax expr + expr
Commutative yes
Operand Types integer, float, char, string, list, bag, set, array
Result Type see following table
Function multi functions according to operands: arithmetic addition, string concatenation, list or array concatenation, set or bag union.

Possible Operand Combinations
first operand type second operand type result type  
integer integer integer  
integer float float  
char char integer  
char integer integer  
char float float  
float float float  
string string string string concatenation
list list list list concatenation
array array array array concatenation
set set set set union
bag bag bag bag union

Expression Examples
expression result
1 + 2 3
1 + 2. 3.
2 + 2.3 4.3
'a' + 'b' 195
'a' + 1.2 98.200
"hello" + "world" "helloworld"
list(1, 2, 3) + list(2, 3, 4) list(1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4)
set(1, 2, 3) + set(2, 3, 4) set(1, 2, 3, 4)
1 + "hello" raises an error
set(1, 2, 3) + list(2, 3, 4) raises an error

Multiplicative, Division and Minus Expressions

Multiplicative, division and minus expression syntax, semantics, associativity and precedence are quite identical to the corresponding C and C++ expressions. When operands have different types, promotionnal mechanisms are the same as for the additive operator.
General Information
Operators -
Type binary
Syntaxes expr - expr
  expr * expr
  expr / expr
Commutative - : no
  * : yes
  / : no
Operand Types integer, float, char
Result Type see following table
Functions - : substract
  * : multiply
  / : divide

Possible Operand Combinations
first operand type second operand type result type
integer integer integer
integer float float
integer char integer
char char integer
char integer integer
char float float
float float float
float integer float
float char float

Expression Examples
expression result
1 - 2 -1
3 * 2. 6.
2 * 'a' 194
'a' * 'b' 9506
1 / 2 0
1 / 2. .5000
1. / 2 .5000
1. / 2 .5000
"hello" * "world" raises an error
1 - "hello" raises an error

Shift, Mod, And, Or, XOr Expressions

Shift, modulo, and, or and xor expression syntax, semantics, associativity and precedence are quite identical to the corresponding C and C++ expressions. Operand types must be integer or char and the only possible type promotion is from char to integer.
General Information
Operators «
Type binary
Syntaxes expr « expr
  expr » expr
  expr % expr
  expr & expr
  expr | expr
  expr ^ expr
Commutative « : no
  » : no
  % : no
  & : yes
  | : yes
  ^ : yes
Operand Types integer, char
Result Type integer
Functions « : left shift
  » : right shift
  % : modulo
  & : bitwise and
  | : bitwise or
  ^ : bitwise exclusive or

Expression Examples
expression result
1 « 4 16
100 » 2 25
100 % 13 9
0xf12 & 0xf 2
0xf12 | 0xf 3871
0xf12 ^ 0xf 3869
'b' % '9' 8
2 « 1.2 raises an error
2 % 3.4 raises an error
2.1 % 3 raises an error

Sign Expressions

Sign expressions are the expressions using the unary operators + or -. The expression syntax, semantics, associativity and precedence are quite identical to the corresponding C and C++ expressions. These unary operators accept only integer, char and float operands.
General Information
Operators +
Type unary
Syntaxes + expr
  - expr
Operand Types integer, char, float
Result Type see following table
Functions sign operator

Possible Operand Combinations
operand type result type
integer integer
float float
char integer

Expression Examples
expression result
+12 12
-100 -100
-123.4 -123.4
+'a' 97
-'a' -97
+"hello" raises an error
-null" raises an error

Complement Expressions

The complement operator performs a bitwise complement on its operand. The expression syntax, semantics, associativity and precedence are quite identical to the corresponding C and C++ expressions. This operator accepts only integer and char operands.
General Information
Operator ~
Type unary
Syntax ~ expr
Operand Types integer, char
Result Type integer
Functions bitwise complement

Expression Examples
expression result
~112 -113
~0 -1
~'a' -98
~2.3 raises an error
~"hello" raises an error

Assignment Expressions

The expression syntax, semantics, associativity and precedence are quite identical to the corresponding C and C++ expressions except that the simple assignment operator in OQL is := instead of = in C or C++. The left operand must be a left value. A left value is an OQL entity which is assignable: for instance any identifier or a valid path expression.
When the assignment is simple and when the left value is an identifier, no type checking on the right operand is done. For instance, x := 10 and x := "hello" are always valid expressions. In the case of the left value is a path expression, the OQL interpreter checks that the type of the second operand matches the expected type of the first one. For instance if p denotes a Person instance, p->age := 32 is certainly valid while p->age := "hello" raises a type check error.
When the assignment is combined with another operation (for instance, the -= operator), the left operand must be initialized and the interpreter checks that the left and right operand can be combined through the other operator.

For instance, the following constructs are valid:
a := 10;
a -= 20;

a := "hello";
a += " world";

p := first(select Person); := "johnny";

first(select Person.age = 0).name := "baby";
while these ones produce errors:
a := "hello";
a -= 20; // raises the error: operation 'string + integer' is not valid

a := list(1, 2);
a *= 2; // raises the error: operation 'list * integer' is not valid

unset b;
b += 20; // raises the error: uninitialized identifier 'b'

p := first(select Person);
p.age := "baby"; // raises the error: integer expected, got string

General Information
Operators :=
Type binary
Syntaxes lvalue := expr
  lvalue *= expr
  lvalue /= expr
  lvalue %= expr
  lvalue += expr
  lvalue -= expr
  lvalue «= expr
  lvalue »= expr
  lvalue &= expr
  lvalue |= expr
  lvalue ^= expr
Commutative no
Operand Types leftvalue on the left side and any type on the right side
Result Type the type of the right operand
Functions perform an operation and assignment

Expression Examples
expression result
a := 24 24
a += 12 36
a /= 2 18
a ^= 100 118
first(select Person).age := 38 38
"hello" := 4 raises an error (i.e. "hello" is not a leftvalue)
8 := 5 raises an error (i.e. 8 is not a leftvalue)
unset a; a += 20 raises an error (i.e. uninitialized identifier)

Auto Increment & Decrement Expressions

The expression syntax, semantics, associativity and precedence are quite identical to the corresponding C and C++ expressions. The operand must be an initialized left value of type integer, char or float. In case of the operand is a char atom, the result type is an integer. Otherwise, the result type is the type of the operand.
General Information
Operators ++
Type unary
Syntaxes expr -
  expr ++
Operand Type leftvalue of type integer, char or float.
Result Type see following table
Functions expr - : post-decrementation
  expr ++ : post-incrementation
  ++expr : pre-incrementation
  -expr : pre-incrementation

Possible Operand Combinations
operand type result type
integer integer
float float
char integer

Expression Examples
expression result  
a := 1; a++ 1 initially a equals 1; the result of the evaluation is 1 but after the evaluation, a equals 2
-a 0  
a++ 0 a equals 1 after the evaluation

Comparison Expressions

The expression syntax, semantics, associativity and precedence are quite identical to the corresponding C and C++ expressions except that the equal operator could be either == or =.

Equal and NotEqual Expressions

Operands may have any type at all. If the type of the operands differ (modulo the type promotion mechanisms for numbers), the result of the expression operand1 == operand2 is always false while the result of operand1 != operand2 is always true.
General Information
Operators ==
Type binary
Syntaxes expr == expr
  expr != expr
Commutative yes
Operand Types any type
Result Type boolean
Functions equal
  not equal
When operands are number of different types, an automatic promotion is done to the more precise type.
Expression Examples
expression result
1 == 1 true
1 == 1.0 true
1 != 2 true
1 == 2 false
1 == "hello" false
"hello" == "hello" true
list(1, 2, 3) == list(1, 2, 3) true
set(1, 3, 2) == set(1, 2, 3) true

Less and Greater Expressions

The comparison operators <, <=, > and >= are multi-purpose operators: they are used for integer, floating point number and character comparison, but also for list or array term-to-term comparison and for set or bag inclusion. Their functionality depends on the type of its operands: they are polymorphic operators. Note that the choice of the functionality is done at evaluation time, not at compile time. That means that the functionality of an expression such as x < y is unknown until the evaluation time. Depending on the dynamic type of the operands x and y, it can be an arithmetic comparison (if x and y are numbers), a alpha-numeric comparison (if x and y are strings), a term-to-term ordered collection comparison (if x and y are lists or arrays) or a set or bag inclusion comparison (if x and y are sets or bags).

While arithmetic and alpha-numeric comparisons are trivial and do not need any suplementary explanations, the term-to-term ordered collection comparisons needs to be detailed.

The general algorithm for this functionnality is as follows:
  1. let l1 and l2 two OQL ordered collections, containing respectively l1_cnt and l1_cnt atoms.
  2. let op one of the following polymorphic comparison operators: < <= > >=,
  3. l1 op l2 is true if and only if all the following conditions are realized:
    1. l1 and l2 must be of the same collection type,
    2. l1_cnt op l2_cnt or l1_cnt equals l2_cnt
    3. for each atom l1[i] with i in [i,l1_cnt], l1[i] op l2[i]
For instance:
list(1, 2) <= list(0, 2) is true
list(1, 2) <= list(3) is false
list(1, 2) <= list(3) is false
list("aaa", 4) < list("bbbb", 8) is true
list("aaa", 4, list(1, 2)) < list("b", 8, list(2, 3)) is true
list(set(2, 4), 3) < list(set(4, 2, 3), 4) is true
list(2, 3) < list("hello", 2) raises an error
list(2, 3) < array(2, 4) raises an error

Note that the fact that l1 <= l2 is false does not implie that l1 > l2 is true. Indeed, list(2, 3) < list(1, 3, 2) and list(1, 3, 2) >= list(2, 3) are false.
General Information
Operators <
Type binary
Syntaxes expr < expr
  expr <= expr
  expr > expr
  expr >= expr
Commutative no
Operand Types integer, float, char, string, list, array, set, bag
Result Type boolean
Functions the function depends on the operands:
  < : less than or is included in
  <= : less than or equal or is included in or equal
  > : greater than or contains
  >= : greater than or equal or contains or equal

Possible Operand Combinations
first operand type second operand type result type comments
integer, char, float integer, char, float boolean performs an arithmetic comparison
string string boolean performs an alpha-numeric comparison
set set boolean performs an inclusion comparison
bag bag boolean performs an inclusion comparison
set bag boolean performs an inclusion comparison: the set operand is converted to a bag
bag set boolean performs an inclusion comparison: the set operand is converted to a bag
list list boolean performs a term-to-term polymorphic (i.e. numeric, alpha-numeric or inclusion) comparison
array array boolean performs a term-to-term polymorphic comparison
Note that in case of different operand types, an automatic promotion is done to the more precise type.
Expression Examples
expression result
1 < 2 true
1 >= 2 false
2. <= 2 true
"hello" < "world" true
"hello" >= "world" false
list(1, 2) < list(2, 3) true
list(1, 2) < list(0, 3) false
list(1, 2) < list(0, 3, 2) false
list(0, 3, 2) >= list(1, 2) false
list(1, 2) < list(2, 3, 3) true
list(1, 2) < list(0) false
set(1, 2) < set(2, 4, 44) false
set(1, 2) < set(2, 1, 44) true
"hello" >= 3 raises an error
list(1, 2) < array(2, 4, 44) raises an error
set(1, 2) < bag(2, 1, 44) raises an error

Regular Expression Operators

OQL provides the ODMG OQL regular expression operator like plus four other ones. These four extra operators are based on the regular expression UNIX library. So, the syntax of the regular expression are the same as that used by the well known UNIX tools grep, sed, and so on. All the regular expression operators takes two string operands: the first one is the string to compare, the second one is the regular expression. So, these operators are not commutative. These operators provide the following functionalities:

like 		 : ODMG OQL operator. Returns true if the firstoperand matches the regular expression.

Otherwise false is returned. The regular expression is am SQL regular expression where,
for instance, % and _ are wilcard characters.
~ : This operator hasthe same functionnality as the like operator but theregular expression
has the UNIX syntax.
  : Returns true if the firstoperand matches the regular expression in a case insensitive way.
Otherwise false is returned.
!~ : Returns true if the firstoperand does not match the regular expression.
Otherwise false is returned.
!~~ : Returns true if the firstoperand does not match the regular expression in a case insensitive
way. Otherwise false is returned.
Note that the operator like uses currently the UNIX form of regular expressions instead of the SQL form. It will become ODMG/SQL compliant in a next version.
General Information
Operators ~
Type binary
Syntaxes expr ~ expr
  expr ~~ expr
  expr !~ expr
  expr !~~ expr
  expr like expr
Commutative no
Operand Types string
Result Type boolean
~ : matches the regular expression
  : matches the regular expression, case insensitive
!~ : does not match the regular expression
!~~ : does not match the regular expression, case insensitive
like : matches the regular expression

Expression Examples
expression result
"hello" ~ "LL" false
"hello" ~~ "LL" true
"hello" ~ "^LL" false
"hello" ~ "^h" true
"hello" !~ "^h" false
"hello" ~ ".*ll.*" true
".*ll.*" ~ "hello" false because regular expression should be on the right

Logical Expressions

OQL provide three logical expressions which can take two form each. The logical or operator is || or or. The logical and operator is && or and. The logical not operator is ! or not.

The expression syntax, semantics, associativity and precedence are quite identical to the corresponding C and C++ expressions. Note that the ODMG operator ``||'' denotes the string concatenation.
As for C and C++, the OQL interpreter performs a lazy evaluation:
General Information
Operators ||
Type unary, binary
Syntaxes expr || expr
  expr or expr
  expr && expr
  expr and expr
  ! expr
  not expr
Operand Type boolean
Result Type boolean
Functions logical or
  logical and
  logical not

Expression Examples
expression result
true || false true
false || false false
true && false false
1 == 2 || 3 == 4 false
1 == 2 || 3 == 3 true
1 == 2 or 3 == 3 true
1 == 2 || "hello" == "hello" true
(1 == 2 || 2 == 2) && (a = "hello") returns true if a equals "hello". false otherwise
1 || 3 == 3 raises an error: boolean expected got integer
!3 raises an error: boolean expected got integer
!(1 == 1) false
not(1 == 1) false

Conditional Expression

The unique conditional expression operator is ?:. The expression syntax, semantics, associativity and precedence are quite identical to the corresponding C and C++ expressions. The first operand must be an boolean and the two others may be of any type. Contrary to C and C++, the two last operands does not need to be of the same type.
General Information
Operator ?:
Type ternary
Syntaxe expr ? expr : expr
Operand Types first operand is boolean, others are any type
Result Type type of the evaluated operand
Functions conditional evaluation: evaluates and returns the second operand if the first operand is true; otherwise evaluates and returns the second operand

Expression Examples
expression result
true ? "hello" : "world" "hello"
true ? 2.3 : "world" 2.3
1+1 == 2 ? (a := 3.1415926535) : nil 3.1515926535
1 ? 3 : nil raises an error: boolean expected, got integer.

Expression Sequences

The expression sequence operator - also called comma sequencing - expression syntax, semantics, associativity and precedence are quite identical to the corresponding C and C++ expressions. This operator , takes two operands: it evaluates both of them and returns the second one.
General Information
Operator ,
Type binary
Syntaxe expr , expr
Commutative no
Operand Types any type
Result Type type of the second operand
Functions evaluates the first operand, then the second one. Returns the evaluation of the second one.

Expression Examples
expression result
true, "hello" "hello"
a := 2, 4 4 (note that a equals 2)
b := 10, a := b+1 11

Array Deferencing

OQL provides polymorphic single and range deferencing. The single deferencing is used to get one element in an ordered collection or a character in a string or one element in a non-collection array. The range deferencing is used to get several elements.
The deferencing of ordered collections is introduced in more details in Section 5.24.

Single Deferencing

The single deferencing operator takes as its first operand an atom of type string, an indexed (or ordered) collection (list or array) or a non-collection array. The second operand must be of type integer. Depending on the type of the first operand, the returned atom is as follows:
  1. if the first operand is a string, the returned atom is the #expr character of the string where expr denotes the second operand. If expr is equal to the length to the string the character '\000' is returned. If it greater than the length the string an out of bounds error is raised.
  2. for an ordered collection, the returned atom is the #expr item of the collection. If expr is greater than or is equal to the size of the collection, an out of bounds error is raised.
  3. if the first operand is an non-collection array, the returned atom is the #expr item of the array. If expr is greater than or is equal to the size of the array, an out of bounds error is raised.
The single deferencing operator may be used as a left value, that means that a single deferencing expression is assignable. For instance the sequence of statements:
s := "hello";
s[1] := 'E';
s[4] := 'O';
set the variable s to "hEllO".

The single deferencing operator may be used everywhere in a path expression. For instance, first(select Person).other_addrs[2].street[3], denotes the character #3 of the street attribute in the #2 other_addrs non-collection array attribute of the first Person instance.
General Information
Operator []
Syntaxe expr [expr ]
Type binary
Commutative no
Operand Types first operand: string, indexed collection (list or array) or non-collection array, second operand: integer
Result Type char if first operand is a string, otherwise type of the returned item in the indexed collection or non-collection array.
Functions [expr ] : returns the character (or item in the indexed collection or in the non-collection array) number expr
Note this operator may be used in the composition of a left value.

Expression Examples
expression result  
"hello"[0] 'h'  
a := "hello"; a[1] 'e'  
a[3] l  
a[6] raises an error  
a[0] := 'H' 'H' a equals "Hello"
list(1, 2, "hello", 4)[3] "hello"  
list(1, 2, "hello", 4)[4] raises an error  
first(select Person).name[2] := 'X' 'X'  

Range Deferencing

The range deferencing operators, [:] and [?], takes as their first operand an atom of type string, an indexed (or ordered) collection (list or array) or a non-collection array. The other operands must be of type integer. The [?] may have also an unordered collection (set or bag as its first operand.

The operator syntax and semantics are as follows: Contrary to the single deferencing operator, the range deferencing operator cannot be used as a left value.

The range deferencing operators may be used everywhere in a path expression. For instance, first(select Person).children[?].name[?], denotes the list of all characters of the name attribute in all the children of the first Person instance.
General Information
Operators [:]
Syntaxes expr [expr :expr ]
  expr [?]
Type ternary or unary
Operand Types first operand: string or indexed collections (list or array), second operand and third operand: integer
Result Type a list of char if first operand is a string, otherwise a list of returned items in the indexed collection or non-collection array.
Functions [expr1:expr2] : returns a lits of characters (or items in collection) indexed from expr1 to expr2
  [?] : returns a list of all characters (or items in collection)

Expression Examples
expression result
"hello"[0:2] list('h', 'e', 'l')
"hello"[?] list('h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\000')
list(1, 2, "hello", 4)[2:3] list("hello", 4)
array(1, 2, "hello", 4)[?] list(1, 2, "hello", 4)
first(select Person).name[?] list('j', 'o', 'h', 'n', '\000')
list(select class.type = "user")[0:4].name list("Employee", "Address", "Person")

Identifier Expressions

We call an identifier expression an unary or binary expression whose operands must be identifiers. There are height identifier operators: ::, isset, unset, & (identical to refof), * (identical to valof), scopeof, push and pop.

As all these operators take identifiers as their operands, we skip the second table (operand combinations) while introducing these operators.

:: Operator

The :: unary/binary operator (called scope operator) is used to define a global or particular scope for a variable.
The unary version of this operator denotes a global scope. For instance, ::alpha denotes the global variable alpha. In the body of a function, identifiers denote local variables; outside the body of a function identifiers denote global variables, that means that, in this context, the global scope operator is not mandatory. If one wants to use a global variable in the body of a function, the global scope operator is mandatory. Refer to the Function Definition Statement Section for more information about local function variables.

The binary version of this operator denotes a particular scope. For instance, Person::checkName denotes the class attribute or method of the class Person.

note: class (or static) attributes are not currently well supported by the OQL interpreter. Class attributes are only supported in some specific query expressions (refer to the Query Expression Section).
General Information
Operator ::
Syntax :: identifier
Type unary and binary
Operand Types identifier
Result Type value of the identifier if used as a right value; identifier reference if used as a left value
Function defines a global or particular scope for the identifier.

Expression Examples
expression result
::a the value of the global variable a
::alpha := 1 sets the value of the global variable alpha to 1, returns 1
Person::checkName("wayne") calls the class method checkName in the class Person
2::alpha raises an error

isset Operator

The isset operator is used to check whether a variable is already set or not. It returns true is the variable is set, false otherwise.
General Information
Operator isset
Syntax isset identifier
Type unary
Operand Type identifier
Result Type boolean
Function evaluated to true if the identifier is set, false otherwise

Expression Examples
expression result
isset oql$variables true
isset a returns true if a is set, false otherwise
isset 1 raises an error

unset Operator

The unset operator is used to unset an variable. It returns the nil atom.
General Information
Operator unset
Syntax unset identifier
Type unary
Operand Type identifier
Result Type nil
Function unset the identifier

Expression Examples
expression result
unset a nil
unset ::a nil
unset 2 raises an error

refof Operator

The & (identical to refof) operator is used to get the reference of an identifier. This operator is essentially used when one calls a function or method which updates one or more given parameters. For instance, let the function swap(x, y) which swaps the value of its two parameters. One needs to give the references of the variables that one wants to swap. For instance:
i := "ii";
j := "jj";

swap(&i, &j);
After the call to swap, the variable i equals jj while the variable j equals ii.
The reverse operator * (described following section) is used in the swap function.
General Information
Operator refof
Syntax refof identifier
  & identifier
Type unary
Operand Type identifier
Result Type identifier
Function evaluates the expression to the identifier reference; returned an identifier atom

Expression Examples
expression result
&alpha alpha
refof alpha alpha

valof Operator

The * (identical to valof) operator is used to get the value of the identifier pointed by a reference. For instance, after the two following expressions:
alpha := 1;
ralpha := &alpha;
*ralpha equals 1.

This operator may be used in the composition of a left value, for instance:
alpha := 1;
ralpha := &alpha;
*ralpha := 2; // now, alpha equals 2
*ralpha += 8; // now, alpha equals 10
But this operator is essentially used in the body of functions or methods which update one or more given parameters, for instance, the function swap described in the previous section is as follows:
function swap(x, y) {
    v := *x;
   *x := *y;
   *y := v;

General Information
Operator valof
Syntax valof identifier
  * identifier
Type unary
Operand Type identifier
Result Type value of the identifier
Function returns the value of the identifier denotes by the operand

Expression Examples
expression result
*alpha if alpha value is an atom identifier x, returns the value of x, otherwise an error is thrown
x := 12; alpha := &x; *x *x returns 12

scopeof Operator

The scopeof operator returns the string "global" or "local" depending whether the identifier is global or local.
General Information
Operator scopeof
Syntax scopeof identifier
Type unary
Operand Type identifier
Result Type string
Function returns the scope of the identifier.

Expression Examples
expression result
scopeof ::alpha returns "global" for any alpha if it set; otherwise an error is thrown
scopeof alpha returns "global" or "local" depending on the context.

push Operator

The push operator is used to push an identifier on a new local table. This operator is rarely used.
General Information
Operator push
Syntax push identifier
  push identifier := expr
Type unary and binary
Operand Types first operand identifier, optionnal second operand: any type
Result Type identifier or any type in case of an assignment
Function push the identifier on to the symbol table stack. An assignment can be performed at the same time. Returns the identifier or the value of the expression assignment.

Expression Examples
expression result
push a pushes a on a new local symbol table.
push a := 10 pushes a on a new local symbol table and assigns its value to 10

pop Operator

The pop operator is used to pop an identifier from a local table. It is used after a push. For instance:
a := "hello";
a;             // a equals "hello"

push a := 10;
a;             // a equals 10

pop a;
a;             // a equals "hello"

General Information
Operator pop
Syntax pop identifier
Type unary
Operand Type identifier
Result Type the type of the value of the identifier
Function pop the identifier from the symbol table stack

Expression Examples
expression result
pop a returns the value of a if it is set; otherwise an error is returned

Path Expressions

The path expression operator -> (identical to .) is used to navigate from an object and read the right data one needs. This operator enables us to go inside complex objects, as well as to follow simple relationships. For instance, if p denotes a Person instance, p.spouse denotes the spouse attribute of this person.
The more complex expression p.spouse.address.street denotes the street in the address of spouse of the person p. This notation is very intuitive because it looks like the well known C, C++ and Java syntaxes.

The path expression operator may composed a left value, for instance: := "mary";
set the name of the spouse of the person p to mary.

This operator may be combined with the array deferencing operators, for instance:[2];[2] := 'A';
p.spouse.other_addrs[2].street[3] := 'C';
The path expression operator may be also used to navigate through struct atom, for instance: (struct(a : 1, b : "hello")).b returns "hello". Note that because of the precedence of operators, parenthesis are necessary around the literal struct construct.
Finally, the path operator may be applied to a collection; in this case a collection of the same type of this operand is returned. For instance:
(select Person).name returns a bag of string.
(select distinct Person).age returns a set of int.
Note that the path expression operator is used frequently in the query expressions as shown in a next section.
General Information
Operators .
Syntaxes expr . expr
  expr -> expr
Type binary
Operand Types first operand: oid or object, second operand: identifier
Result Type type of the attribute denoted by the second operand
Functions returns the attribute value denoted by second operand of the object denoted by the first operand
  The first operand must denote an EYEDB instance (object or literal) of an agregat including the attribute denoted by the second operand.
Note these two operators are identical

Expression Examples
expression result comments
p->name the value of attribute name in the object denoted by p p must denote an EYEDB instance (object or literal) of an agregat including the attribute name
first(select x Person x from x.lastname = "wayne")->lastname "wayne"  

Function Call

OQL allows one to call an OQL function with or without parameters. The operator for function call is ().
A function call may be the first term of a path expression, for instance: first(select Person)->name.
Contrary to the method invocation, there are no function overloading mechanisms: that means, that one cannot have differents functions with the same name and a different signature. To take benefit of the overloading mechanisms, one must use methods.
Note: contrary to the ODMG 3 specifications, one currently needs to use parenthesis to invoke a method even if the method has no arguments.
General Information
Operator ()
Syntaxe expr (expr_list)
Type n-ary
Operand Types first operand: identifier, other operands: any type
Returned type type of the returned atom by the function call
Functions calls the OQL function denoted by the first operand using the other operands as arguments. The number of operands must be equal to the number of arguments of the OQL function plus one

Expression Examples
expression result
fact(10) 3628800
fact(fact(3)) 720
toUpper("hello world") "HELLO WORLD"
toUpper("hello") + "world" "HELLOworld"
interval(1, 5) list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
swap(&i, &j) nil
first(select Person) "mary"

Method Invocation

Instance Method Invocation

OQL allows one to call a instance method with or without parameters. The method can be written in C++ or in OQL. As in C++, method calls use a combination of the path expression operator and the function call operator.

As in C++ or Java, methods can be overloaded: that means that one can have differents methods with the same name and a different signature or differents methods with the same name and the same signature in a class hierarchy. The choice of the method to invoke is done at evaluation time not at compile time. For instance let two methods Person Person::f(in int, in int) and int Person::f(in float, in string), the method to be invoked in the expression p->f(x, y) is decided at evaluation time according to the true types of x and y:
p := first(select Person);

x := 1; y := 2;

p->f(x, y); // X::f(in int, in int) is invoked
p->f(x, y)->name; // this is valid because p->f(x, y) returns a Person

x := 1.3; y := "hello";

p->f(x, y); // X::f(in float, in string) is invoked
p->f(x, y)->name; // this is not valid because p->f(x, y) returns an integer
A major contribution of object orientation is the possibility of manipulating polymorphic objects and thanks to the late binding mechanism to carry out generic actions on the elements of these objects.
For instance, let the two methods void Person::doit(in int) and void Employee::doit(in int), the method to be invoked in the expression p->doit(x) is decided at evaluation time according to the true type of p:
p := new Person();
p->doit(1); // Person::doit(in int) is invoked

p := new Employee();
p->doit(1); // Employee::doit(in int) is invoked
To invoke a method, the following conditions must be realize:
  1. the object or oid on which the method is applied must be an instance of a class, for instance X.
  2. the name of the invoked method, the number and the type of arguments must be compatible with an existing method in the class X,
  3. the result type must match the expected type in the expression.
For instance, let the methods int compute(in int, int float) and int compute(in int, in float, in int[], out string) in the class X. To invoke the first method on an instance of X, one needs to apply the method compute to an instance of X with one integer and one float, for instance:
x := new X();

x.compute(1, 2.3);
x.compute(a := fact(10), float(fib(10)));
To invoke the second method on an instance of X, one needs to apply the method compute to an instance of X with an integer, a float, an ordered collection of integer and a reference to a variable, for instance:
x.compute(1, 23.4, list(1, 2, 3, 4), &a);
The following table shows the mapping (which defines the compatibility) between the ODL and the OQL types.

ODL/OQL Mapping
ODL Type OQL Type
in int16 integer
out int16 identifier
inout int16 identifier initialized to an integer
in int32 integer
out int32 identifier
inout int32 identifier initialized to an integer
in int64 integer
out int64 identifier
inout int64 identifier initialized to an integer
in byte char
out byte identifier
inout byte identifier initialized to a char
in char char
out char identifier
inout char identifier initialized to a char
in string string
out string identifier
inout string identifier initialized to a string
in float float
out float identifier
inout float identifier initialized to a float
in oid oid
out oid identifier
inout oid identifier initialized to a oid
in object * oid of any class
out object * identifier
inout object * identifier initialized to an oid of any class
in X * (X denotes a class instance) oid of class X
out X * (X denotes a class instance) identifier
inout X * (X denotes a class instance) identifier initialized to a oid of class X
in X *[] (X denotes a class instance) ordered collection of oid of class X
out X *[] (X denotes a class instance) identifier
inout X *[] (X denotes a class instance) identifier initialized to an ordered collection of oid of class X
in X[] (X denotes any ODL type) ordered collection of atoms bound to X
out X[] (X denotes any ODL type) identifier
inout X[] (X denotes any ODL type) identifier initialized to an ordered collection of atoms bound to X
Note: contrary to the ODMG 3 specifications, one currently needs to use parenthesis to invoke a method even if the method has no arguments.
General Information
Operators .
Syntaxes expr . expr (expr_list)
  expr -> expr (expr_list)
Type n-ary
Operand Types first operand: oid or object, second operand: identifier, other operands: any type
Result Type type of the atom returned by the method call
Functions invokes the method denoted by the second operand applied to the object denoted by the first operand, using the other operands as arguments.
  The first operand must denote an EYEDB instance (object or literal) of an agregat including the method whose name is the second operand. The number of arguments and the type of arguments must match one of the methods included in the class of the object denoted by the first operand.
Note these two operators are identical

Expression Examples
expression result comments
p->getOid() the value of the oid of object denoted by p as getOid() is a native method of the class object, each object can call this method
img->compute(1, 2.3) the value returned by the method call the first operand must denote an EYEDB instance (object or literal) of an agregat including the method whose name is compute
first(select = "wayne").getSpouse() the value returned by the method call  

Class Method Invocation

OQL allows one to call a class method with or without parameters. The method can be written in C++ or in OQL. As in C++, method calls use a combination of the scope operator and the function call operator. To invoke a class method, the following conditions must be realize:
  1. the name of the invoked method, the number and the type of arguments must be compatible with an existing method in the class X,
  2. the result type must match the expected type in the expression.
The overloading and the late binding mechanisms are the same as for the instance method invocations.
General Information
Operator ::
Syntaxe identifier::identifier(expr_list)
Type n-ary
Operand Types first operand: identifier, second operand: identifier, other operands: any type
Result Type type of the atom returned by the method call
Functions invokes the class method denoted by the second operand applied to the class denoted by the first operand, using the other operands as arguments.
  The first operand must denote an EYEDB class of an agregat including the class method whose name is the second operand. The number of arguments and the type of arguments must match one of the class methods included in the class denoted by the first operand.

Expression Examples
expression result comments
EyeDB::getVersion() 2.8.8 getVersion() is a native static method of the class EyeDB
Person::checkName("johnny") the value returned by the method call the class method checkName must exist in the class Person and must take one and only one input string argument.

Eval/Unval Operators

eval Operator

One major feature of OQL is that one can invoke its evaluator using the eval operator. This allows us to build OQL constructs at runtime and perform their evaluation. This is very useful, for instance, when we want to build a query expression where the projection or the from reference sets are is unknown. For instance, the following function allows us to retrieve the values of the attribute attrname in the class classname:
function getValues(classname, attrname) {
  cmd := "select x." + attrname + " from " + classname + " x";
  return (eval cmd);

General Information
Operator eval
Syntaxe eval string
Type unary
Operand Types string
Functions calls the OQL evaluator on the string operand. The string operand can contain any OQL valid construct: an expression, a statement or a sequence of statements.

Expression Examples
expression result
eval "10" 10
eval "a := 100" result is 100; the variable a is set to 100
eval "a := \"hello\"; b := a + \"world\"" result is "hello world"; the variable a is set to "hello"; the variable b is set to "hello world"

unval Operator

The unval is the inverse of the unval in the sense that it takes any valid OQL expression and returns the string representation; the comments and, when not necessary, the spaces and tabulations are skipped. For instance, the construct unval a := 10 returns "(a:=10)".
General Information
Operator unval
Syntax unval expr
Type unary
Operand Types any type
Functions returns the string expression

Expression Examples
expression result
unval 10 "10"
unval alpha += 10 - beta + 1 "(alpha:=(alpha+((10-beta)+1)))"
eval unval alpha := "hello" returns "hello"; alpha is set to "hello"

Set Expressions

OQL allows us to perform the following operations on sets and bags: union, intersection, difference and inclusion. The operands can be sets or bags. For all these operators, when the operand's collection types are different (bag and set), the set is first converted to a bag and the result is a bag.

union Operator

The union operator performs the union of two sets or bags. This operator has the same precedence as the logical or operator.
General Information
Operator union
Syntax expr union expr
Type binary
Operand Types set or bag
Result Type set if both two operands are of type set, bag otherwise
Functions returns the union of the two operands.

Expression Examples
expression result
set(1, 2) union set(2, 3) set(1, 2, 3)
set(1, 2) union bag(2, 3) bag(1, 2, 2, 3)
list(1, 2) union bag(2, 3) raises an error

intersect Operator

The intersect operator performs the intersection of two sets or bags. This operator has the same precedence as the logical and operator.
General Information
Operator intersect
Syntax expr intersect expr
Type binary
Operand Types set or bag
Result Type set if both two operands are of type set, bag otherwise
Functions returns the intersection of the two operands.

Expression Examples
expression result
set(1, 2) intersect set(2, 3) set(2)
set(1, 2) intersect bag(2, 3) bag(2)
bag(1, 2, 2, 3) intersect bag(2, 3, 2) bag(2, 2, 3)
list(1, 2) intersect bag(2, 3) raises an error

except Operator

The except operator performs the difference between two sets or bags. This operator has the same precedence as the logical or operator.
General Information
Operator except
Syntax expr except expr
Type binary
Operand Types set or bag
Result Type set if both two operands are of type set, bag otherwise
Functions returns the difference of the two operands.

Expression Examples
expression result
set(1, 2) except set(2, 3) set(1)
set(1, 2) except bag(2, 3) bag(1)
set(1, 2, 10) except bag(12) bag(1, 2, 10)
list(1, 2) except bag(2, 3) raises an error

Inclusion Operators

The inclusion operators for sets and bags are the comparison operators less than/greater than introduced in a previous section.
General Information
Operator <
Syntax expr < expr
  expr <= expr
  expr > expr
  expr >= expr
Type binary
Operand Types set or bag
Result Type boolean
Functions coll1 < coll2 : returns true if and only if coll1 is included in coll2 but not equal to coll2
  coll1 > coll2 : returns true if and only if coll2 is included in coll1 and not equal to coll1
  coll2 <= coll1 : returns true if and only if coll1 is included in coll2 or equal to coll2
  coll1 >= coll2 : returns true if and only if coll2 is included in coll1 or equal to coll1

Expression Examples
expression result
set(1, 2) < set(2, 3) false
set(1, 2) < set(2, 3, 1) true
set(1, 2) < bag(2, 3, 1) true
set(1, 2) <= bag(2, 1) false
set(1, 2) >= bag(2, 1) false

Object Creation

OQL allows us to create persistent or transient objects using the new operator. The general syntax for an object creation is as follows:
[new] [<[expr]>] class_name({path_expression : expr })
  1. the operator new is optionnal: when the operator is missing, the construct is called an implicit new construct. When the optionnal following construct ``<[expr]>'' is not used, there is no functionnal differences between using new or not.
  2. the optionnal construct after the new operator indicates the target location of the object to create:
    1. if this construct is omitted, the object will be a persistent object created in the current default database,
    2. if this construct is under the form <expr>, the OQL interpreter expects for a database object handle as the result of the expression evaluation. This database will be used as the target location. For instance:
      new < oql$db > Person();
      will create a Person instance in the database pointed by oql$db, which is in fact the current database.
    3. if this construct is under the form <>, the object will be a transient object.
  3. the class_name indicates the name of a valid user type in the context of the current database.
  4. the path_expression indicates an attribute name or a sequence of attributes using the optional array operator, for instance the following path expressions are valid for an object construction:
  5. the expr behind path_expression is any OQL expression as soon as its result type matches the expected type of the path_expression.
  6. the order of evaluation of the expressions is in the {path_expression : expr} sequence is from left to right.
  7. the expression returns the oid of the created object.
For instance: The new operator can also be used to create basic type object. Note that in this case, the operator is mandatory. The syntax for basic type creation is as follows:
new [<[expr]>] basic_type (value).
  1. where basic_type denotes an ODL basic type. It may be one of the following type: int32, int16, int32, char, byte, float or oid. Note that the type string is not allowed here.
  2. the value must be an atomic value of an OQL type mapped from the ODL basic type
For instance: Finally, the new operator can be also used to create collections. The syntax for collection creation is as follows:
[new] [<[expr]>] coll_type< class_name [, coll_name]> ([collection of elements])
  1. the new operator is optionnal,
  2. where coll_type denotes type of the collection: set, bag, array or list,
  3. the class_name denotes the name of the class of the elements of the collection, for instance Person*, Car*,
  4. coll_name is an optionnal string which denotes the name of the collection to create,
  5. the optionnal collection of elements within parenthesis contains the elements (generally oids) to insert initially in the created collection,
  6. the expression returns the oid of the created collection.
For instance:
General Information
Operator new
Syntax new [<[expr]>] class_name({path_expression : expr })
Type n-ary
Operand Types any type
Result Type oid or object
Functions creates an persistent or transient object

Expression Examples
expression result
john := new Person(name: "john",
                   lastname: "wayne",
                   age : fib(10));
returns the oid of the created Person instance
new Person(name: "mary",
           lastname: "poppins",
  : "jungle",
           addr.street[0] : 'a',
           addr.street[1] : 'b',
           spouse : john,
           spouse.age : 72
returns the oid of the created Person instance

Object Deletion

The delete unary operator is used to delete persistent objects.
General Information
Operator delete
Syntax delete expr
Type unary
Operand Types oid or object
Result Type the operand type
Functions delete a transient or persistent object

Expression Examples
expression result
delete first(select Person) the oid of the deleted Person instance
delete new Person() the oid of the deleted Person instance
for (x in (select Person) delete x the oids of the deleted Person instances

Collection Expressions

OQL introduces a few operators for object collection manipulation: one of them is the array deferencing operator ``[]'' (5.15) that is overloaded for ordered collection manipulation.
Some them are ODMG OQL compliant, the others are EYEDB extensions. Object collections may be persistent or transient, orderered or not. These operators allows us to make the following kind of operations:
  1. gets the contents of a collection: operator contents,
  2. get an element at a given position in an ordered collection: operator [] (ODMG compliant),
  3. get elements at some given positions in an ordered collection: operators [:] (ODMG compliant) and [?],
  4. checks if an element is in a collection: operator in (ODMG compliant),
  5. add an element in an unordered collection: operator add/to
  6. suppress an element from an unordered collection: operator suppress/from,
  7. set or suppress an element in an ordered at a given position: operator [],
  8. set or suppress elements in an ordered at a given position: operators [:] and [?],
  9. append an element in an ordered collection: operator append/to,
  10. checks if a given condition is realized for at least one element in a collection: operator in (ODMG compliant),
  11. checks if a given condition is realized for all elements in a collection: operator for/all (ODMG compliant),
  12. checks if a given condition is realized for a given number range of elements in a collection: operator extended for.
In all the following examples, the OQL variables p0 denotes the first Person instance in the database: p0 := first(select Person).

Important Note: although they are reference in the following descriptions of collection operators, the object collections list are not implemented in the current version of EYEDB.

contents Operator

The contents unary operator is used to give the contents of a given ordered or unordered object collection. It returned an OQL collection of the same type of the object collection: set, bag, array or list.
General Information
Operator contents
Syntax contents expr
Type unary
Operand Types oid or object collection
Result Type a collection of objects
Functions returns the contents of an object collection

Expression Examples
contents(p0.children) an array of Person oids
select contents(x.children) from Person x returns a list of arrays of Person oids.
contents(list(1, 2, 3)) raises an error: oid or object expected, got list

in Operator

The in operator is used to check if a given element is in ordered or unordered object collection.
General Information
Operator in
Syntax expr in expr
Type binary
Operand Types first operand: any type, second operand: oid or object collection
Result Type boolean
Functions returns true if the first operand belongs to the collection pointed by the second operand; false otherwise

Expression Examples
first(select = NULL) in p0.children returns true if the first Person instance whose name is unitialized is in the array of children of the first Person
first(select Car.brand = "renault") in returns true if the first Car instance whose brand equals renault is in the set of cars of the first Person

add/to Operator

The add/to operator is used to add an element in an unordered collection (set or bag).
General Information
Operator add/to
Syntaxes add expr to expr
Type binary
Operand Types first operand: any type, second operand: oid or object unorderered collection (set or bag)
Result Type type of the first operand
Functions adds the first operand to the non-indexed collection (i.e. bag or set) pointed by the second operand; returns the first operand.

Expression Examples
add new Car(num : 100) to returns the created Car oid
add new Person(name : "john") to p0.children raises an error: cannot used non indexed insertion in an array
add new Car() to new set<Car *>() returns the just created car; but we have lost the oid of the just created set of cars!
add new Person() to (c := new bag<Person *>()) returns the just created person; the created bag has been kept in the OQL variable c

[] Operator

The polymorphic [] operator is used to set or get an element in an ordered collection (array or list) at a given position: it can be used in a right or left value.
General Information
Operator []
Syntaxes expr [ expr ]
Type binary
Operand Types first operand: collection array or list, second operand: integer
Result Type the type of the element,
Functions gets the element in the collection pointed by the first operand at the position pointed by the second operarand. If used at a left value, gets a reference to that element.

Expression Examples
p0.children[0] returns the child at position #0 in p0.children collection. Returns nil if there is no child at this position
p0.children[0] := Person(name : "john") returns the created Person oid
p0.children[12039] := Person(name : "henry") returns the created Person oid. This expression is valid in any cas as the collection arrays automatically increased its size
(array<Person *>())[0] := new Car(num : 100) returns the just created person; but the created array has been ``lost'' as it is not tied to any instance and as we did not bind it to any OQL variable
(c := array<Person *>())[0] := new Car(num : 100) returns the just created person; the created array has been kept in the OQL variable c[1] := Car(num : 100) raises an error: array expected, got set

[:] Operator

The polymorphic [:] operator is used to set or get some elements in an ordered collection (array or list) at some given positions: it can be used in a right or left value. When used in a right value, the returned atom is a set of struct with the two attributes index and value. In each struct element returned, the value of index is the position of the element, the value of value is the element value. Note the returned struct elements are not ordered according to the element postions; it is why a set is returned. When used as a left value, the returned atom is a set of references on the elements .
General Information
Operator [:]
Syntaxes expr [ expr : expr ]
Type ternary
Operand Types first operand: collection array or list, second and third operands: integer
Result Type the type of the element,
Functions gets the elements in the collection pointed by the first operand at the position range pointed by the second and third operarands. If used at a left value, gets references to that elements.

Expression Examples
p0.children[0:1] returns a set of struct including the children and the position of the children position #0 and #1 in the p0.children collection. For instance: set(struct(index : 0, value : 3874.33.293847:oid), struct(index : 1, value : 2938.33.1928394:oid))
Returns nil if there is no child at these positions  
p0.children[0:4] := Person(name : "john") Sets all the children at the position #0 to #4 to a new Person instance.
returns the created Person oid  
p0.children[12000:12039] := Person(name : "henry") returns the created Person oid. This expression is valid in any cas as the collection arrays automatically increased its size
(array<Person *>(list(Person())))[0] returns the just created person within the just created array. But the array is ``lost'' as it is not tied to any instance and as we did not bind it to any OQL variable
(x := array<Person *>(list(Person())))[0] returns the just created person; the created array has been kept in the OQL variable c

[?] Operator

The polymorphic [?] operator is used to set or get all the elements in an ordered collection (array or list). It can be used in a right or left value. When used in a right value, the returned atom is a set of struct with the two attributes index and value. In each struct element returned, the value of index is the position of the element, the value of value is the element value. Note the returned struct elements are not ordered according to the element postions; it is why a set is returned.
When used as a left value, the returned atom is a set of references on the elements .
General Information
Operator [?]
Syntaxes expr [?]
Type unary
Operand Type collection array or list,
Result Type a set of struct or a set of references
Functions gets all the elements in the collection pointed by the first operand If used at a left value, gets references to that elements.

Expression Examples
p0.children[?] returns a set of struct including the children and the position of all the children in the p0.children collection. For instance: set(struct(index : 0, value : 3874.33.293847:oid), struct(index : 1, value : 2938.33.1928394:oid))
Returns nil if the collection is empty  
p0.children[?] := Person(name : "john") Sets all the children to a new Person instance.
returns the created Person oid  
(array<Person *>(list(Person(), Person())))[?] returns a set of struct including the just created Person instances in the just created array.

append/to Operator

The append/to operator is used to append an element to an ordered collection (list or array).
General Information
Operator append
Syntaxes append expr to expr
Type binary
Operand Types first operand: any type, second operand: oid or object denoting an ordered collection
Result Type any type
Functions appends the element denoted by the first operand to the indexed collection (i.e. list or array) denoted by the second operand.

Expression Examples
append Person() to p0.children the created Person instance
append Car()to raises an error: array or list expected, got set<Person*>

suppress/from Operator

The suppress/from operator is used to suppress an element from an ordered collection (set or bag).
General Information
Operator suppress/from
Syntaxes suppress expr from expr
Type binary
Operand Types first operand: any type, second operand: oid or object collection
Result Type type of the first operand
Functions suppress the first operand from the non-indexed collection (i.e. bag or set) pointed by the second operand; returns the first operand.

Expression Examples
suppress (select Car.num = 1000) from the suppressed car if it was found in the collection; otherwise, raises an error
suppress new Car() from raises an error: item '71238.13.3959935:oid' not found in collection
suppress p0 from p0.children raises an error: cannot used non indexed suppression in an array

empty Operator

The empty operator is used to empty an ordered or an unordered collection.
General Information
Operator empty
Syntax empty expr
Type unary
Operand Types oid or object collection
Result Type nil
Functions empty the collection pointed by the operand

Expression Examples
empty(first (select Person).children) nil
empty(first (select Person).cars) nil
empty new set<Car *>(list(new Car())) nil; this expression creates a collection of Car containing initially a new Car, and empty it!

in Operator

The in operator is used to check if a given condition is realized for at least one element in an ordered or unordered collection.
General Information
Operator in
Syntax identifier in expr : expr
Type ternary
Operand Types first operand: identifier, second operand: oid or object collection, third operand: boolean
Result Type boolean
Functions returns true if it exists in the collection pointed by the second operand an element for which the third operand is evaluated to true.

Expression Examples
x in p0.children: = "mary" true or false
x in x.num < 100 and x.num >= 90 true or false

for Operator

The for/all operator is used to check if a given condition is realized for all elements in an ordered or unordered collection. This operator is ODMG compliant.
General Information
Operator for/all
Syntaxes for all identifier in expr : expr
Type ternary
Operand Types first operand: identifier, second operand: oid or object collection, third operand: boolean
Result Type boolean
Functions returns true if for all items contained in the collection pointed by the second operand the third operand is evaluated to true.

Expression Examples
for all x in p0.children: == "john" true or false
for all x in x.num % 10 true or false
The for/cardinality operator is used to check if a given condition is realized for a given number range of elements in an orderer or unordered collection. Note that this operator is the generalisation of the in and for/all operators:
for <0:$> is equivalent to in
for <$> is equivalent to for all

General Information
Operator forcardinality
Syntaxes for < expr : expr > identifier in expr : expr
  for < expr > identifier in expr : expr
Type 5-ary
Operand Types first and optional second operands: integer or $, where $ denotes the collection cardinality, third operand: oid or object, fourth operand: identifier, fifth operand: boolean
Result Type boolean
Functions returns true if the number of items in the collection pointed by the third operand for which the third operand is evaluated to true is in the interval [first operand, second operand].

Expression Examples
for <0:4> x in p0.children: == "john" true if at most 4 children have their name equals to john
for <4> x in p0.children: == "john" true if one an only one children have its name equals to john
for <0:$> x in x.num = 10 equivalent to in
for <$> x in x.num = 10 equivalent to for/all

Exception Expressions

Currently, EYEDB OQL does not provide full support for exception management as there is no try/catch operator. Nevertheless, the throw operator allows us to raise an error message, for instance:
if (!check(p))
  throw "variable p is not correct".
The throw operator stops the current thread of statements and returns the error message at the uppest level. In the following code:
a := 1;
throw "this is an error";
b := 2;
the variable a will be assigned to 1, but the variable b will not be assigned to 2 as the throw expression deroutes the normal thread of statements. The throw operator is often used in the body of functions,
General Information
Operator throw
Syntax throw expr
Type unary
Operand Type string
Result Type nil
Functions raises an error message

Expression Examples
throw "error message" nil
throw "error #1: " + msg nil

Function Definition Expressions

As introduced previously, OQL supports functions. There are two types of functions definition syntax: function definition expression and function definition statements. The first ones, exposed in this section, are more restrictive than the second ones, as their definition can contain only one expression. The second ones contain an unbounded sequence of statements.
The function definition expressions are ODMG compatible and are called Named Query Definition in the ODMG standard. To define such a function, one must use the operator define/as. The general syntax for a definition function expression is:

define identifier [(arglist)] as expr.

For instance:
define div2(x) as x/2;
div2(10); // returns 5

define pimul(x) as x * 3.1415926535;
pimul(23); // returns 72.256631

define getOnePerson(name) as first(select = name);
getOnePerson("john"); // returns an oid or nil
As the last operand of the define/as operator is any OQL expression, it can be a sequence of expressions by using the comma sequencing operator. Therefore, the following construct is valid:
define getit(age) as ::getit_call++,
                     list_of_persons := select Person.age >= age,
                     (count(list_of_persons) > 0 ? list_of_persons[0] : nil);

getit(10); // returns the first Person whose age is greater or equal to
              10, or nil
getit_call; // equals 1
list_of_persons; // raises an error: uninitialized identifier 'list_of_persons

getit_call; // equals 2
Several comments about this code:
  1. ::getit_call denotes a global variable, while list_of_persons denotes a variable local to the function: the variable scoping has previously been introduced in the identifier expressions, and will be explained again in the function definition statements Section.
  2. as there are no iteration expression (for instance a for or while expression) and as a function definition expression can contain only one expression, one cannot use a function definition expression with iteration statements. To use an iteration statement, one needs to use a function definition statement.
  3. when one needs to define a function with a sequence of expressions, it may be easier and more readable to use a function definition statement instead of a function definition expression. The statement version of the previous function is:
    function getit(age) {
      list_of_persons := select Person.age >= age;
      if (count(list_of_persons))
        return list_of_persons[0];
    which is - for C, C++ or Java programmers - a more natural construct.
Finally, the function definition allows us for recursive definitions, for instance:
define fib(n) as (n < 2 ? n : fib(n-2) + fib(n-1));
fib(10); // returns 55

General Information
Operator define/as
Syntax define identifier [arglist] as expr
Type n-ary
Operand Type first operand: identifier, last operand: any type, other operands: identifier
Result Type identifier
Functions defines a function

Expression Examples
define Persons as select Person Persons
define fact(n) as (n < 2 ? n : n * fact(n-1)) fact

Conversion Expressions

The conversion unary operators string, int, char, float, oid and ident allows us to make the following conversions:
Operator From To Returned Atom
string any type string the string representation of the operand
int int int the int operand
  char int the operand casted to an int
  float int the operand casted to an int
  string int the operand converted to an int
char char char the char operand
  int char the operand casted to a char
  float textttchar the operand casted to a char
  string char the operand converted to a char
float float float the float operand
  char float the operand casted to a float
  int float the operand casted to a float
  string float the operand converted to a float
oid oid oid the oid operand
  string oid the string operand converted to an oid
ident ident ident the ident operand
  string ident the string operand converted to an ident
These operators are used to perform an explicit conversion such as convert the string "123" to the integer 123, or to perform an explicit cast for numbers such as casting the integer 10 to the float 10.0. These operators evaluate first their operand before performing the conversion. If the operand type is valid, no error is raised even if its format is not valid, for instance: int "alpha" returns 0, while oid "aoaoai" returns NULL. Note that because of the precedence of these operators, parenthesis are necessary to make a conversion of a non-primary operand. For instance, string 1+2 is not valid: you should use string (1+2).

string operator

The string operator evaluates its operand and returns its string representation.
General Information
Operator string
Syntax string expr
Type unary
Operand Type any type
Result Type string
Function returns the string representation of any atom

Expression Examples
string 123.3 "1203.300000"
string 'a' "a"
string first(select Person) "71211.13.1486847:oid"
string &alpha "::alpha"
string list(1, 2, 3+2) "list(1, 2, 5)"
string (list("hello", 30) + list(10)) "list("hello", 30, 10)"
string (1+3) "4"
string 1+3 raises an error

int operator

The int operator evaluates its operand and converts or casts it to an integer.
If the operand is the string, it converts it using the atoi C function. If the string is not a valid integer, it returns a 0.
If the operand is a char or float, it casts it to an integer.
If the operand is an integer, it returns it.
General Information
Operator int
Syntax int expr
Type unary
Operand Type int, char, float or string
Result Type int
Function returns the integer conversion or cast of the operand

Expression Examples
int 123.3 123
int 12 12
int 'a' 97
int "123" 123
int ("123" + "12") 12312
int alpha the value of alpha converted or casted to an integer
int list(1, 2, 3) raises an error

char operator

The char operator evaluates its operand and converts or casts it to a char.
If the operand is the string of length one, it returns the character of this string. If the string has several characters, it returns a '\000.
If the operand is a integer or float, it casts it to a character.
If the operand is a character integer, it returns it.
General Information
Operator char
Syntax char expr
Type unary
Operand Type int, char, float or string
Result Type char
Function returns the character conversion or cast of the operand

Expression Examples
char 123.3 {
char 'a' 'a'
char alpha the value of alpha converted or casted to a character
char "a" 'a'
char "hello" '^@'
char list(1, 2, 3) raises an error

float operator

The float operator evaluates its operand and converts or casts it to a float.
If the operand is the string, it converts it using the atof C function. If the string is not a valid float, it returns a 0.0.
If the operand is a integer or float, it casts it to a float.
If the operand is a float, it returns it.
General Information
Operator float
Syntax float expr
Type unary
Operand Type int, char, float or string
Result Type float
Function returns the float conversion or cast of the operand

Expression Examples
float 123.0 123.0
float 123.3 123.3
float 'a' 97.000
float "123.0000000" 123.0
float ("123." + "12") 123.12
float "hello" 0.0
float alpha the value of alpha converted or casted to a float
float list(1, 2, 3) raises an error

oid operator

The oid operator evaluates its string operand and returns the corresponding oid. If the string does not denote a valid oid, the NULL oid is returned.
If the operand is an oid, it returns it.
General Information
Operator oid
Syntax oid expr
Type unary
Operand Type oid or string
Result Type oid
Function returns the oid denoted by the string operand

Expression Examples
oid "234.34.33:oid" 234.34.33:oid
oid 234.34.33:oid 234.34.33:oid
oid first(select Person) returns the first person oid
oid 'a' raises an error

ident operator

The ident operator evaluates its string operand and returns the corresponding identifier. If the operand is an identifier, it returns it.
General Information
Operator ident
Syntax ident expr
Type unary
Operand Type ident or string
Result Type string
Function returns the identifier denoted by the string operand

Expression Examples
ident "alpha" alpha
ident "alpha#1x" alpha#1x
ident "alpha" := 123 123, alpha has been assigned to 123
valof &(ident "alpha") 123
ident 'a' raises an error

Type Information Expressions

OQL provides two type information unary operators: typeof and classof. The first one takes any operand type, while the second one takes an oid or an object operand. Note that because of the precedence of these operators, parenthesis are necessary to get type information about a non-primary operand. For instance, typeof 1+2 is not valid: you should use typeof (1+2).

typeof operator

The typeof operator is used to get the type of any OQL atom. It evaluates its operand and returns the string type of its operand. For instance: typeof 1 returns "int" while typeof "hello" returns "string".

General Information
Operator typeof
Syntax typeof expr
Type unary
Operand Type any type
Result Type string
Function returns the type of the atom

Expression Examples
typeof "alpha" "string"
typeof (1+20.) "float"
typeof list(1, 2, 3) "list"
typeof first(select Person) "oid"
typeof 1+3049 raises an error
typeof alpha type of the value of alpha
typeof &alpha ident

classof operator

typeof operator

The classof operator is used to get the class of any oid or object. It evaluates its operand and returns the string class of its operand. For instance: classof first(select Person) returns "Person" while typeof new Car() returns "Car".

General Information
Operator classof
Syntax classof expr
Type unary
Operand Type oid or object
Result Type string
Function returns the class of the operand

Expression Examples
classof first(select class) "basic_class"
classof (c := new Car(num : 10)) "Car"
classof NULL ""
classof first(select Person).spouse "Person" or NULL
classof 1 raises an error

Query Expressions

The select operator is used to perform queries in a database. The general syntax of this operator is as follows:

select [distinct] projection [from fromList [where predicat] [order by orderExprList [asc|desc]]
  1. distinct means that duplicates must be eliminated,
  2. projection is an expression using the variables defined in the fromList,
  3. fromList is a sequence of comma-separated items under one of the following forms:
    var in expr
    expr as var
    expr var
    where expr is an expression of type collection or is a class name, and var is the name of a variable.
  4. predicat is a boolean expression using the variables defined in the fromList,
  5. orderExprList is a comma-separated list of sortable expressions (i.e. atomic type).
  6. asc means that the order should be performed in an ascendant way (the default) and desc means the inverse.

ODMG vs. EYEDB OQL Query Expressions

As explained in the Section OQL vs. ODMG 3 OQL, there are a few differences between ODMG OQL and EYEDB OQL query expressions:

The general select syntax

Rather than introducing the select operator in a formal way by using a lot mathematical symbols, we introduce it first, in an unformal way, and then, through query examples.

The unformal description of the query process is as follows:
  1. The from clause determine the sets of objects on which the query will be applied. For instance, in the from clause, ``x in Person, y in x.children'', the sets on which the query will be applied are all the Person instances bound to the variable x and the children of these instances, bound to the variable y.
  2. These sets of objects are filtered by retaining only the objects that satisfy the predicat in the where clause. These result objects are gathered into a bag. If no where clause is there, all objects are retained.
  3. If an order by clause is present, a sort is performed using to the following process:
    1. each order expression must be of a sortable type: number (int, char or float) or string. If not, an error is raised.
    2. the bag is ordered into a list according to the first order expression. Then identical atoms are ordered again using the second order expression and so on.
    3. there is a restriction in the current implementation: each expression in the orderExprList must be present in the projection expression. If not present, an error is raised.
  4. The projection expression is evaluated for each object in the collection and the results of these evaluations are gathered into a bag.
  5. If the keyword distinct is there, the eventual duplicates are eliminated.
  6. Finally, if the order by clause is present, the result bag is converted to a list; if the distinct keyword is there without an order by, the bag is converted to a set; and if neither order by nor distinct are used, we get a bag.
The following table presents several examples:
Simple select/from Examples
select x from Person x
returns a bag containing all the Person oids in the database
select from Person x
returns a bag containing the name of every Person instance in the database
select struct(name:, age: x.age) from Person x
returns a bag containing struct elements including the name and age of every Person instance in the database
select list(x, from Person x where ~ "h"
returns a bag of list elements containing the oid and the name of every Person instances whose name matches the regular expression "h"
select list(x, from Person x where ~ "h" order by
same as previous example, but the result is a list ordered by the name of the persons
select x from Person x where = "john" or x.age < 10
returns a bag of Person instances whose spouse name is equal to "john" or the age is less than 10
select x from Person x order by
current implementation restriction: raises an error: not found in projection

Arrays and collections in query expressions

OQL provide supports for performing direct queries through non-collection array and collection attributes without explicit joins. To perform such queries, one must use the operators [], [?] or [:]. All the operators may be used for non-collection arrays. For collections (list, set, bag and array), only the operator [?] is valid.
The operator [] denotes an element in a non-collection array.
The operator [:] denotes a range of elements in a non-collection array.
The operator [?] denotes all elements in a non-collection array or in a collection. The following table presents several examples:
Array and Collection based Query Examples
select from Person x where[0] = 'j'
returns all the Person instances whose name begins with a 'j'
select x from Person x where x.other_addrs[0].street ~~ "par."
returns all the Person instances whose first other_addrs street matches the regular expression "par."
select x from Person x where x.other_addrs[?].street ~~ "par.."
returns all the Person instances whose any other_addrs street matches the regular expression "par.."
select x from Person x where x.other_addrs[1:3].street ~~ "par.."
returns all the Person instances whose the first, second or third other_addrs street matches the regular expression "par.."
select x from Person x where x.children[?].name = "johnny"
returns all the persons whose one of its children is called "johnny"
select x from Person x where[?].num < 100 or x.children[?].name = "mary"
returns all the persons whose one of its cars has a number less than 100 or a child called "mary"
select x from Person x where x.children[1].name = "johnny"
although the children is a collection array, an error is raised. This is a current limitation of the implementation that will disapear soon

The Implicit select syntax

An implicit select expression is a select expression with neither a from nor an explicit where clause. In fact, the where clause may be included in the projection expression.
This particular syntax has the advantage to be more compact and more simple than the general syntax, but some queries cannot be performed:
  1. queries performing an explicit join,
  2. queries having or or and in their where clause.
The following table presents several examples:
Simple Implicit select Examples
select 1
returns 1
select Person
returns a bag containing all Person instances in the database
returns a bag containing the name of every Person instances in the database
select = "john"
returns a bag containing the oids of every Person instances whose name is equal to "john"
(select distinct = "john").age
returns a set containing the age of every Person instances whose name is equal to "john"
select = "john" or Person.age = 10
raises an error: use select/from/where clause
select order by
returns a list containing of the sorted names of all Person instances

Querying the schema

As every abstraction is an object, one can perform queries on the schema and classes. For instance, to get the oids of all the existing classes in a schema:
select schema which is equivalent to select class.
In the EYEDB object model, the class class has the following native attributes (some are inherited from the object class):
  1. class (inherited from object) is the class of this class,
  2. protection (inherited from object) is the protection object of this class,
  3. type is the type of the class: "system" or "user".
  4. name is the name of this class,
  5. parent is the parent class of this class,
  6. extent is the extent collection of this class: contains all the object instances of this class,
  7. components is the collection of components of this class: contains the constraints, the methods, the triggers, the index.
Queries can be performed according to one or more of the previous attributes.
Query Schema Examples
select = "Person"
returns a bag containing the class whose name is "Person"
select class.type = "user"
returns all the user classes
select x from class x where ~ "P" and x.type = "user"
returns the user classes whose name matches the given regular expression
select = "Person"
returns a bag containing the sub-classes of the class Person

How queries are optimized?

EYEDB queries implementation make an heavy use of index. Index may be used as terminal index or as non-terminal index: terminal index are those used at the end of a path expression, and the other are those used inside a path expression.

For instance, assuming that each attribute in our schema is indexed, the query select = "john" uses the index on the attribute name as a terminal index.

The query select Person.spouse.age < 23 uses the index on the attribute age as a terminal index, and the index on the indirect attribute spouse as a non-terminal index, while the query select Person.spouse = 6252.3.48474:oid uses the index on the spouse attribute as a terminal index.

The query select Person.children[?] = "mary" uses the index of the attributes name, spouse and of the literal collection attribute children.

The queries with a where clause containing logical and constructs are optimized so to take advantage of the index. For instance, assuming that there is an index on the name attribute and no index on the age attribute, the query select x from Person x where x.age = 100 and = "john" will perform first the query on the name attribute and then filter the result according to the given predicat on the age attribute.
If the two expressions around the logical and operator have an index or if none of the two expression has a index, the interpreter performs first the left part and then the second part. So, in this case, the order of the two expressions around the and is important.

Finally, the query select reads directly the index of the name attribute, instead of reading the name of each Person instance.

Nevertheless, currently, there are some constructs that the OQL interpreter does not interpret cleverly and where index are not used. This is unfortanely the case of the join constructs such as:
select x from Person x, x.spouse y where = "mary".
This construct will not make use of the index on the spouse attribute (but it will use the index of the name attribute). Fortunately, in a lot of cases, join queries may be replaced by a path expression query, for instance:
select x from Person x where = "mary" is the alternate form the previous join query.

This alternate form (path-expression oriented) is the preferred one, because:
- it is more intuitive,
- it is more object oriented (please forget relationnal!),
- it is more compact,
- it uses index properly.

Of course, the last reason is not a good reason as a proper query implementation should use index whatever the used syntax. The implementation will be improved in a next version.

Note that query optimisations are fragile and do not believe that the OQL interpreter knows your data better than you. So, the two following simple rules should be applied:
  1. when path expression oriented queries are enough, do not use join constructs,
  2. in a and expression within a where clause, put the expression which denotes the most little set of instances on the left side of the and. In some particular cases, the OQL interpreter knows how to optimize the and, but in most of the cases, it does not.
Some experimental hints can be added to an and expression in the where clause to help the interpreter to do the things better, but there are currentlty too much experimental to be documented here.

Miscellenaous Expressions

A few OQL operators cannot be easily classified in one of the previous categories. We choose to classify them in the miscellenaous operators. These operators are: bodyof, structof, [!] and import.

bodyof operator

The bodyof operaror is used to get the body of an OQL function. For instance, let the function fib: define fib(n) as (n < 2 ? n : fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)). The expression bodyof fib will return: "fib(n) ((n<2)?n:(fib((n-2))+fib((n-1))))". This operator could be applied to expression-functions (i.e. functions defined with the define/as operator) or statement-functions (i.e. functions defined with the function operator).
General Information
Operator bodyof
Syntax classof expr
Type unary
Operand Type ident denoting a function
Result Type string
Function returns the body of the function

Expression Examples
bodyof is_int "is_int(x) ((typeof x)=="integer")"
bodyof first "first(l) { if (((!is_list(l))&&(!is_array(l)))) return l; start:=0; f:=nil; for (x in l) if ((start==0)) { start:=1; f:=x; break; }; ; return f; }"
bodyof 1 raises an error

structof operator

The structof is used to get the meta-type of a struct atom. The meta-type of a struct atom is the list of the attributes of this struct. For instance, the meta-type of struct(a : 1, b : "hello") is the list composed of the two attribute a and b. The following expression structof struct(a : 1, b : "hello") returns list("a", "b").
General Information
Operator structof
Syntax structof expr
Type unary
Operand Type struct
Result Type a list of strings
Function returns the meta-type of the operand

Expression Examples
structof struct(alpha : 1, beta : 2) list("alpha", "beta")
structof first(select struct(x: x.firstname) from Person x) list("x")
structof 1 raises an error

[!] operator

The [!] is used to get the length (or size) of an ordered or unordered collection, a string or a struct. For instance, "hello"[!] returns 5, while list(1, 2, 3)[!] returns 3. Note that this operator is far more efficient than the strlen library function.
General Information
Operator [!]
Syntax expr [!]
Type unary
Operand Type string, collection or struct
Result Type a int
Function returns length of the operand

Expression Examples
(select Person)[!] the number of person instances
(struct(a: 1, b:2, c: "hello"))[!] 3
("hello"+"world")[!] 10
"hello"+"world"[!] raises an error

import operator

The import operator is used to import an OQL file in the current OQL session. Its operand is a string which denote the absolute path (i.e. beginning with a /) or relative path (i.e. not beginning with a /) of the file to import. When the path is relative, the OQL interpreter will look in every directories pointed by the EYEDB configuration variable oqlpath. By default, oqlpath is equal to %root%/etc/oql. If the file name has no .oql extension, the OQL interpreter will automatically adds one.
General Information
Operator import
Syntax import expr
Type unary
Operand Type string
Result Type a string
Function import the file

Expression Examples
import "stdlib" "/usr/local/eyedb/etc/so/stdlib.oql"
import "roudoudou" raises an error: cannot find file 'roudoudou'

Selection Statements

The selection statement is based on the if/else constructs.

Syntax: if ( cond_expr ) statement1 [else statement2]
where cond_expr is a boolean expression, and statement1 and statement2 may be any statement: an expression statement, an iteration statement, a compound statement, a selection statement, a function definition statement, a jump statement or an empty statement.

Semantics: if the boolean expression cond_expr is evaluated to true, the statement statement1 is executed. Otherwise, if an else part is there, the statement statement2 is executed. The statements 1 and 2 may be any statement: an expression statement, iteration statement, compound statement, selection statement, function definition statement, jump statement or empty statement.
Note that a selection statement does not return any atom

The following table presents several examples of if/else statements:
if/else Statement Examples
if (true) a := 1;
the variable a is assigned to 1
if (1) b := 2;
an error is raised: boolean expected for condition
if (check(10) > 54) {a := 1; b := 2;} else {c := 2; d := 2}
here compound statements are used, because several expression statements need to be executed
if ((check(10) > 54 || alpha < 2) && beta > 2.3 ) {callme(2);}
use of a composite conditional expression
if (a == 1) b := 2; else if (b == 3) {c := 2; return 4;} else if (check(1)) return 2; else return 3;
selection statements are combined

Iteration Statements

The iteration statements are based on the following constructs:

while statement

Syntax: while ( cond_expr ) statement
where cond_expr is a boolean expression, and statement any statement: an expression statement, an iteration statement, a compound statement, a selection statement, a function definition statement, a jump statement or an empty statement.

Semantics: The statement is executed while the boolean expression cond_expr is evaluated to true. Note that a while statement does not return any atom

The following table presents several examples of while statements:
while Statement Examples
while (true) a++;
a is increment definitively!
while (n-) a++;
an error is raised: boolean expected, got integer
while (n- > 0) a++;
this is better
while (n++ <= 100 || stop) {if (!perform(a++)) break; check(a);}
note the usage of a compound statement and of the break
while (name != "john") {l := (select = name); name := get_name();}
no comments

do/while statement

Syntax: do statement while ( cond_expr )
where cond_expr is a boolean expression, and statement any statement: an expression statement, an iteration statement, a compound statement, a selection statement, a function definition statement, a jump statement or an empty statement.

Semantics: The statement is executed at least once. Then while the boolean expression cond_expr is evaluated to true, the statement is executed. Note that a do/while statement does not return any atom

The following table presents several examples of do/while statements:
do/while Statement Examples
do a++; while (true);
a is increment definitively!
do a=+; while (n-);
an error is raised: boolean expected, got integer
do a++; while (n- > 0);
this is better
do {if (!perform(a++)) break; check(a);} while (n++ <= 100 || stop);
note the usage of a compound statement and of the break
do {l := (select = name); name := get_name();} while (name != "john");
no comments

C-for statement

Syntax: for ( [expr1] ; [cond_expr] ; [expr2] ) statement
where cond_expr is a boolean expression, expr1 and expr2 are any expressionss and statement any statement: an expression statement, an iteration statement, a compound statement, a selection statement, a function definition statement, a jump statement or an empty statement.

Semantics: The expression expr1 is evaluated. While the boolean expression cond_expr is evaluated to true, the statement is executed and the expression expr2 is evaluated.
Note that a C-for statement does not return any atom

The following table presents several examples of C-for statements:
C-for Statement Examples
for (x := 0; x < 100; x++) a++;
increment a an hundred times
for (x := 0, y := 1; x < 100 && check(y); x++) {y := get(y); if (y == 9999) break;}
a more complex example
for (x := 100; x; x-) perform(x);
raises an error: boolean expected, got integer
for (x := 0;;) doit();
note that there is neither a conditionnal expression, nor a second expression
for (;;) doit();
same as while(true)

collection-for statement

Syntax: for ( var in expr ) statement
where cond_expr is a boolean expression, var denotes the name of a variable, expr is an expression of type collection and statement any statement: an expression statement, an iteration statement, a compound statement, a selection statement, a function definition statement, a jump statement or an empty statement.

Semantics: For each element in the collection denoted by expr, the variable var is assigned to this element and the statement is executed. Note that a collection-for statement does not return any atom

The following table presents several examples of collection-for statements:
collection-for Statement Examples
for (x in list(1, 2, 3)) a += x;
increments a with 1, 2 and 3
for (x in (select Person)) names +=;
concatenates all the person names
for (x in (select = "john")) if (x.age < 10 || x.spouse.age < 10) throw "cannot mary children!!";
a moralistic example
for (x in 1) doit();
raises an error: boolean expected, got integer

Jump Statements

There are two jump statements based on the keywords break and return.

break Statement

The syntax for break statement is:
break statement
where statement is an optional integer expression statement indicating the break level. If not specified, the break level is 1. The break statement may appear only within an iteration statement: while, do/while, for statements.
break Statement Examples
Statement Comments
break; raises an error: break operator «break; » : level 1 is too deep.
break 3; raises an error: break operator «break; » : level 3 is too deep.
for (x := 0; ; x++) if (x == 30) break; break the loop when x is equal to 30
while (true) {x++; if (!check(x)) break;} break the loop when check(x) is not true
while (true) {x++; if (!check(x)) break 2;} raises an error: break operator «break; » : level 2 is too deep.
while (true) {x++; while (x < 100) if (!check(&x)) break 2;} break the two loop when check(&x) is not true

return Statement

The syntax for return statement is: return [statement]
where statement is an optional expression statement indicating the atom to return. The atom to return may be of any type. If not specified, no atom is returned. The return statement may appear only within a function definition statement.
return Statement Examples
Statement Comments
return; raises an error: return operator «return; » : return must be performed in a function
function fact(n) {return n * fact(n-1);} ok.
function f(x) {if (g(x)) return x+1; return x+2;} ok.
function f(b) {if (b) return list(1, 2, 3); return bag(1);} ok.
function f(b) {if (b) return list(1, 2, 3); return bag(1);} ok.
define as f(x) (if (x) return x) raises an error: syntax error

Function Definition Statements

As introduced previously, OQL supports functions. There are two sorts of functions definition syntax: function definition expression and function definition statements. The first ones, exposed in Section 5.26 can contain only one expressions. That means that they cannot include neither selection, neither statements, neither jump statements. Furthermore, as only one expression is allowed, functions that need several expressions, one must use the comma sequencing operaot to seperate the expressions, thus making this code not always readable.
We introduce here the more general form of function definitions which overrides the limitations of the previous form. The general form of function defintion statements is: function identifier ([arglist]) compound_statement
  1. identifier denotes any valid OQL identifier, except a keyword
  2. arglist is an optional comma-separated list of identifiers optionally followed, for default arguments, by a ``?'' and an expr, for instance:
    (var1, var2, var3? expr, var4? expr)
  3. compound_statement is a optionnal semicolon-separated list of statements surrounded by braces.
For instance:
function f(x, y, z ? oql$maxint) {
  if (x > y)
    throw "error #1";
  return x - y * 2 / z;

Argument Types/Return Type

Functions are not typed. That means that neither the return type nor the argument types may be given. It is why there is no function overloading mechanisms. To take benefit of the overloading mechanisms, one must use methods.
Nevertheless, it is possible to add type checking by using library functions such as is_int, is_string... combined with the assert or the assert_msg library functions. For instance, to check that the first argument is an integer and the second one a collection:
function doit(n, coll) {
   assert_msg(is_int(n), "doit: argument #1: integer expected");
   assert_msg(is_coll(coll), "doit: argument #2: collection expected");
   // body of the function
The assert_msg check that its first argument is equal to true, otherwiser an exception containing the second argument string is thrown:
doit(1, list(1, 2, 3)); // ok

doit(1.2, list(1)); // raises the error:
                    // assertion failed: 'doit: argument #1: integer expected'

Arguments in, out and inout

Furthermore, one cannot specify that an argument is an input argument (in), an output argument (out) or an input/output argument (inout). In a function call, expressions and variables are always passed by value not by reference, this means that the call to ``perform(x, y)'' cannot modify neither x nor y. (In fact, yes it can! It is explained below. But forget it for now).
So, to modify variable through a function call, one needs to give the reference (or address) of this variable, not its value. In this case, the function must execute specific code dealing with address variables instead of their values.
The refof operator, introduced in a previous section, gives the reference of an identifier. Remember that the expression refof x returns the identifier x. To make a function call using references one must do: swap(refof x, refof y) or the equivalent more compact form swap(&x, &y).
Contrary to C++, reference manipulation is not transparent in OQL: to access the value of a reference, one must use the valof operator (i.e. * operator). The swap function which swaps its two inout arguments has already been introduced:
function swap(rx, ry) {
    v := *rx;
  *rx := *ry;
  *ry := v;
The arguments have been prefixed by r to indicate that they are references. So, the function call swap(&x, &y) will swap properly the variables x and y.
One can add type checking in the swap function, as follows:
function swap(rx, ry) {
  assert_msg(is_ident(rx), "swap: argument #1 identifier expected");
  assert_msg(is_ident(ry), "swap: argument #2 identifier expected");
    v := *rx;
  *rx := *ry;
  *ry := v;

Return Value

By default, a statement-oriented function returns no atom. To make a function returning an atom, one must use the return statement previously introduced. As a function has no specified returned type, it may contained several return statements returning atom of different types:
function perform(x) {
  if (x == 1)
    return "hello";
  if (x == 2)
    return list(1, 2, 3) + list(4, 20);
  if (x == 3)
    return 2;
  if (x == 4)
    return 'a';

alpha := perform(1); // alpha is equal to "hello"
alpha := perform(3); // alpha is equal to 2
alpha := perform(8); // alpha is equal to nil

Default Arguments

OQL provides support for default arguments in a function definition statement. The syntax for a default argument is: ``var ? expr'' or ``var := expr''.
As in C and C++, the arguments with a default value must not followed by any argument with default values. For instance, function f(x, y, z := "alpha") is valid while function f(x, y, z := "alpha", t) is not valid.

Unval Arguments

Sometimes, it is interesting to prevent the evaluation of some input arguments. For instance, let the function if_then_else which takes three arguments:
  1. cond: a boolean expression,
  2. then_expr: expression of any type; is evaluated and returned if and only if the condition is evaluated to true
  3. else_expr: expression of any type; is evaluated and returned if and only if the condition is evaluated to false
It is clear that the following function definition:
function if_then_else(cond, then_expr, else_expr) {
   if (cond)
     return then_expr;
   return else_expr;
is not correct as, although it returns the correct expression, the then_expr and the else_expr will be evaluated. For instance, if_then_else(x < 10, ::a := 2, ::b := 3) will return 2 if x is less than 10, otherwise it will return 3, but in any case, a will be assigned to 2 and b will be assigned to 3.
So, one needs a way to tell the interpreter that we do not want to evaluate the second and the third argument. The special character $\vert$ before an argument means that this argument must not be evaluated. In this case, this argument is substitued by the string representation of the expression. For instance, let the function if_then_else:
function if_then_else(cond, |then_expr, |else_expr) {
   // ...
when performing the call ``if_then_else(x < 10, ::a := 2, ::b := 3)'':
  1. the value of cond in the body of the function will be true or false,
  2. the value of then_expr in the body of the function will be "::a:=2"
  3. the value of else_expr in the body of the function will be "::b:=3"
The correct implementation of this function is as follows:
function if_then_else(cond, |then_expr, |else_expr) {
   if (cond)
     return eval then_expr;
   return eval else_expr;

Scope of Variables

In the body of a function defintion, every variable on the left side of an assignment has a local scope except if this variable is prefixed by the global scope operator ::. That means, that after the following statement sequence:
a := 2;

function doit() {
   a := 1;
the variable a is still equal to 2. While after:


a := 2;

function doit() {
   ::a := 1;
the variable a is equal to 1.


One can define a statement-oriented function inside the body of a statement-oriented function, for instance:
function compute(amount_in_euro, usdollar_per_euro) {

  function euro2usdollar(euro, usd ? usdollar_per_euro) {
      return euro * usd;

  x := euro2usdollar(euro * 1.24);
  x += euro2usdollar(1000);

  return x * .120;

Note that the function defined in the body of the function compute has a global scope, that means that after one execution of compute the function is available at the global level of the OQL session. It is possible, that in a future version, the functions defined in the body of a function definition will have a local scope.

The oql$functions Variable

The oql$functions value is a list whose elements are the name of all the OQL functions defined in the current OQL session. Each you add a user function, this variable is updated. At the beginning of a session, the value of
textttoql$functions is:
list(is_int, is_char, is_double, is_string, is_oid, is_num, is_bool, is_bag,
     is_set, is_array, is_list, is_coll, is_struct, is_empty, void, assert,
     assert_msg, min, max, first, last, cdr, count, interval, sum, avg, is_in,
     distinct, flatten, flatten1, tolower, toupper, tocap, toset, tolist,
     tobag, toarray, listtoset, bagtoset, arraytoset, listtobag, settobag,
     arraytobag, bagtolist, settolist, arraytolist, bagtoarray, settoarray,
     listtoarray, strlen, substring, forone, forall, delete_from, get_from,
     ifempty, null_ifempty, getone)
For instance, to put the complete definition of all these functions into the variable functionString:
 functionString := "";
 for (x in oql$functions)
   functionString += "FUNCTION " x + ": " +  bodyof x + "\n";
The next section provides a few statement-oriented and expression-oriented function definitions.

EyeDB manual