

A simple example

Here is a simple example that can be found in examples/C++Binding/schema-oriented/share/schema.odl:
enum CivilState {
  Lady = 0x10,
  Sir  = 0x20,
  Miss = 0x40

class Address {
  attribute string street;
  attribute string<32> town;
  attribute string country;

  index on street;

class Person {
  attribute string name;
  attribute int age;
  attribute Address addr;
  attribute Address other_addrs[];
  attribute CivilState cstate;
  attribute Person * spouse inverse Person::spouse;
  attribute set<Car *> cars inverse owner;
  attribute array<Person *> children;
  int change_address(in string street, in string town,
                     out string oldstreet, out string oldtown);
  index on  name;

class Car {
  attribute string brand;
  attribute int num;
  Person *owner inverse cars;

class Employee extends Person {
  attribute long salary;

A more complex example

Here is a more complex example used for the management of biological databases:
enum StatusType {
  running = 0,
  done = 1

class File {
  attribute string path;
  attribute string name;
  attribute string desc;
  attribute set<Import_ctx *> imported_in inverse Import_ctx::file;

  constraint<notnull, propagate=on> on name;

class Import_ctx {
  attribute File * file inverse File::imported_in;
  attribute Import * import inverse Import::contexts;
  attribute StatusType status;
  attribute string comment;
  attribute int32 count;
  attribute int32 elapsed;
  attribute float average;
  attribute string start_date;
  attribute string last_update;

  constraint<notnull, propagate=on> on file;
  constraint<notnull, propagate=on> on import;

class Import {
  attribute Db * related_db inverse Db::imports;
  attribute string database_name;
  attribute string cvs_tag;
  attribute set<Import_ctx *> contexts inverse Import_ctx::import;
  attribute string comment;
  attribute bool deletable;

  instance_method <client, called_from=OQL> time_interval getElapsed()

  constraint<unique, propagate=on> on database_name;
  constraint<notnull, propagate=on> on database_name;
  constraint<unique, propagate=on> on cvs_tag;
  constraint<notnull, propagate=on> on related_db;

  index< propagate=on> on database_name;
  index< propagate=on> on cvs_tag;

class Db {
  attribute string name;
  attribute string title;
  attribute int32 version;
  attribute set<Import *> imports inverse Import::related_db;
  attribute array<File *> files;
  attribute set<Db *> divisions;
  attribute Import * official;

  instance_method <client, called_from=OQL> string [] get_db_names();

  constraint<unique, propagate=on> on name;
  constraint<notnull, propagate=on> on name;

  index< propagate=on> on name;

The eyedbodl usage

The usage of the eyedbodl is as follows:
eyedbodl --gencode=C++ [--package=<package>] [--output-dir=<dirname>] [--output-file-prefix=<prefix>]
         [--schema-name=<schname>] [--namespace=<namespace>] [--class-prefix=<prefix>]
         [--db-class-prefix=<dbprefix>] [--attr-style=implicit|explicit] [--dynamic-attr]
         [--gen-class-stubs] [--class-enums=yes|no] [--c-suffix=<suffix>] [--h-suffix=<suffix>]
         [--export] [--down-casting=yes|no] [--gencode-error-policy=status|exception] [--attr-cache=yes|no]
         [--rootclass=<rootclass>] [--no-rootclass] [--cpp=<cpp>] [--cpp-flags=<flags>]
         [--no-cpp] <odlfile>|-|-d <dbname>|--database=<dbname> [<openflags>]

eyedbodl --gencode=Java --package=<package> [--output-dir=<dirname>] [--output-file-prefix=<prefix>]
         [--schema-name=<schname>] [--class-prefix=<prefix>] [--db-class-prefix=<dbprefix>]
         [--attr-style=implicit|explicit] [--dynamic-attr] [--down-casting=yes|no]
         [--gencode-error-policy=status|exception] [--cpp=<cpp>] [--cpp-flags=<flags>]
         [--no-cpp] <odlfile>|-|-d <dbname>|--database=<dbname> [<openflags>]

eyedbodl --gencode=ODL -d <dbname>|--database=<dbname> [--system-class]
         [-o <odlfile>] [<openflags>]
eyedbodl --diff -d <dbname>|--database=<dbname> [--system-class] [<openflags>] [--cpp=<cpp>]
         [--cpp-flags=<flags>] [--no-cpp] <odlfile>|-

eyedbodl -u|-update -d <dbname>|--database=<dbname> [--db-class-prefix=<dbprefix>] [<openflags>]
         [--schema-name=<schname>] [--rmv-undef-attrcomp=yes|no] [--update-index=yes|no]
         [--cpp=<cpp>] [--cpp-flags=<flags>] [--no-cpp] [--rmcls={<class>}] [--rmsch] [<odlfile>|-]

eyedbodl --checkfile <odlfile>|-

eyedbodl --help

One must specify one and only one of the following major options:
--gencode=C++                 Generates C++ code
--gencode=Java                Generates Java code
--gencode=ODL                 Generates ODL
--update|-u                   Updates schema in database <dbname>
--diff                        Displays the differences between a database schema and an odl file
--checkfile                   Check input ODL file
--help                        Displays the current information

The following options must be added to the --gencode=C++ or Java option:
<odlfile>|-|-d <dbname>|--database=<dbname> Input ODL file (or - for standard input) or the database name

The following options can be added to the --gencode=C++ or Java option:
--package=<package>           Package name
--output-dir=<dirname>        Output directory for generated files
--output-file-prefix=<prefix> Ouput file prefix (default is the package name)
--class-prefix=<prefix>       Prefix to be put at the begining of each runtime class
--db-class-prefix=<prefix>    Prefix to be put at the begining of each database class
--attr-style=implicit         Attribute methods have the attribute name
--attr-style=explicit         Attribute methods have the attribute name prefixed by get/set (default)
--schema-name=<schname>       Schema name (default is <package>)
--export                      Export class instances in the .h file
--dynamic-attr                Uses a dynamic fetch for attributes in the get and set methods
--down-casting=yes            Generates the down casting methods (the default)
--down-casting=no             Does not generate the down casting methods
--attr-cache=yes              Use a second level cache for attribute value
--attr-cache=no               Does not use a second level cache for attribute value (the default)

For the --gencode=C++ option only
--namespace=<namespace>       Define classes with the namespace <namespace>
--c-suffix=<suffix>           Use <suffix> as the C file suffix
--h-suffix=<suffix>           Use <suffix> as the H file suffix
--gen-class-stubs             Generates a file class_stubs.h for each class
--class-enums=yes             Generates enums within a class
--class-enums=no              Do not generate enums within a class (default)
--gencode-error-policy=status Status oriented error policy (the default)
--gencode-error-policy=exception Exception oriented error policy
--rootclass=<rootclass>       Use <rootclass> name for the root class instead of the package name
--no-rootclass                Does not use any root class

The following options can be added to the --gencode=ODL option:
--system-class                Generates system class ODL

The following option must be added to the --update|-u option:
-d <dbname>|--database=<dbname> Database for which operation is performed

The following options can be added to the --update|-u option:
<odlfile>|-                   Input ODL file or '-' (standard input)
--schema-name=<schname>       Schema name (default is package)
--db-class-prefix=<prefix>    Prefix to be put at the begining of each database class
--rmv-undef-attrcomp=yes|no   Removes (yes) or not (no) the undefined attribute components
                              (constraint, index and implementation). Default is no
--update-index=yes|no         Updates (yes) or not (no) the index with a different
                              implementation in the DB. Default is no
--rmcls={<class>}             Removes the given class list
--rmsch                       Removes the entire schema

The following options must be added to the --diff option:
-d <dbname>|--database=<dbname> Database for which the schema difference is performed
<odlfile>                       The input ODL file for which the schema difference is performed

The following options can be added to the --diff option:
--system-class                Performs difference on system classes also

The following option must be added to the --checkfile option:
<odlfile>|-                   Input ODL file or '-' (standard input)

The following options can be added when an <odlfile> is set:
--cpp=<cpp>                   Uses <cpp> preprocessor instead of the default one
--cpp-flags=<cpp-flags>       Adds <cpp-flags> to the preprocessing command
--no-cpp                      Does not use any preprocessor

Common Options:
  -U <user>|@, --user=<user>|@       User name
  -P [<passwd>], --passwd[=<passwd>] Password
  --host=<host>                      eyedbd host
  --port=<port>                      eyedbd port
  --inet                             Use the tcp_port variable if port is not set
  --dbm=<dbmfile>                    EYEDBDBM database file
  --conf=<conffile>                  Configuration file
  --logdev=<logfile>                 Output log file
  --logmask=<mask>                   Output log mask
  --logdate=on|off                   Control date display in output log
  --logtimer=on|off                  Control timer display in output log
  --logpid=on|off                    Control pid display in output log
  --logprog=on|off                   Control progname display in output log
  --error-policy=<value>             Control error policy: status|exception|abort|stop|echo
  --trans-def-mag=<magorder>         Default transaction magnitude order
  --arch                             Display the client architecture
  -v, --version                      Display the version
  --help-eyedb-options               Display this message

EyeDB manual