Managing user access rights

The different access rights

EyeDB access rights are managed at two levels:

  • system level, for global operations (for instance, adding a user, creating a database...)

  • database level, for database specific operations (for instance, reading objects with a query, inserting objects...)

Each EyeDB user has therefore:

  • a set of system access rights, controling the authorization to perform the following system operations:

    • creating a database

    • adding a user

    • deleting any user

    • setting password for any user

  • a set of database access rights, controling the authorization to perform the following operations on a given database:

    • read from this database

    • write to this database

    • execute any method in this database

    • delete this database

Note that a system access right is not attached to a particular database, whilst a database access right is attached to a particular database.

Table 4.1, “System access rights and corresponding authorized operations” presents the different system access rights defined by EyeDB and the corresponding authorized operations.

Table 4.1. System access rights and corresponding authorized operations

System Access Right Authorized operation
no no authorized system operation
dbcreate can create a database
adduser can add any user
deleteuser can delete any user
setuserpasswd can set the password of any user
admin can create a database and add a user
superuser all operations

Table 4.2, “Database access rights and corresponding authorized operations” presents the different database access rights defined by EyeDB and the corresponding authorized operations.

Table 4.2. Database access rights and corresponding authorized operations

Database Access Right Authorized operation
no no database access
read have read access on this database
write have write access on this database
exec have execute access on this database
admin have read/write/execute access on this database and can delete this database

Setting system access rights

Setting system access rights for a EyeDB user is done using the eyedbadmin command:

user sysaccess {user} { [ dbcreate | adduser | deleteuser | setuserpasswd | admin | superuser | no ] }

Command arguments are:

  • {user}

    EyeDB user name

  • { [ dbcreate | adduser | deleteuser | setuserpasswd | admin | superuser | no ] }

    system access right

Example 4.5. eyedbadmin user sysaccess

## List user system access rights
eyedbadmin user list eric
name      : "eric" [unix user]
## Set user system access rights
eyedbadmin user sysaccess eric dbcreate
eyedbadmin user list eric
name      : "eric" [unix user]

Setting database access rights

Setting database access rights for a EyeDB user is done using the eyedbadmin command:

user dbaccess {user} {database} {access}

Command arguments are:

  • {user}

    EyeDB user name

  • {database}

    database name

  • {access}

    database access right, that can be one of the following values:

    [ r | rw | rx | rwx | admin | no ]

Example 4.6. eyedbadmin user dbaccess

## List user database access rights
eyedbadmin user list eric
name      : "eric" [unix user]
## Set user database access rights for database test2
eyedbadmin user dbaccess eric test2 rw
eyedbadmin user list eric
name      : "eric" [unix user]
dbaccess  : (dbname : "test2", access : READ_WRITE_DBACCESS_MODE)
## Set user database access rights for database test3
eyedbadmin user dbaccess eric test3 admin
eyedbadmin user list eric
name      : "eric" [unix user]
dbaccess  : (dbname : "test2", access : READ_WRITE_DBACCESS_MODE)
            (dbname : "test3", access : ADMIN_DBACCESS_MODE)