Welcome to EyeDB
EyeDB is an Object Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS) based on the ODMG 3 specification, developed and supported by the French company SYSRA.
EyeDB provides an advanced object model (inheritance, collections, arrays, methods, triggers, constraints, reflexivity), an object definition language based on ODMG ODL, an object query and manipulation language based on ODMG OQL and programming interfaces for C++ and Java.
EyeDB is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
Nominate EyeDB for Sourceforge Community Choice Awards
Sourceforge is accepting nominations for the fourth annual Community Choice Awards until May 29th, and the ten projects with the most nominations in each category will become the finalists.
Nominate EyeDB! Click on the following “badge” and with your help, EyeDB can become Sourceforge “Best Project”!
Posted on May 14, 2009
EyeDB 2.8.7 released
EyeDB version 2.8.7 has been released.
This version fixes a major bug in the Java binding, that prevented OQL request to be issued from a Java program.
If you have downloaded the 2.8.5 release, please update your installation to this new release.
In this release, you will find also test suites based on the examples. By running ‘make check’ after installing EyeDB, you will check automatically that your installation can run all the examples, which represents a reasonable guarantee that your installation is working.
Posted on August 18, 2008
EyeDB in Linux+ magazine french edition
The Linux+ magazine french edition of may has an article on EyeDB:
The article has been writen by François Déchelle and Eric Viara.
It is based mainly on EyeDB quicktour and describes in details:
- compiling and installing EyeDB
- creating a database and applying an ODL schema on it
- creating and querying objects using OQL
- using the Java and C++ bindings
The magazine can be found in France in most newspapers sellers.
We hope you’ll appreciate the article and we plan an english translation soon.
Posted on May 7, 2008
EyeDB OODBMS first open source public release
SYSRA is pleased to announce the first open source public release of the EyeDB Object Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS) under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
EyeDB provides an advanced object model (inheritance, collections, arrays, methods, triggers, constraints, reflexivity), an object definition language based on ODMG ODL, an object query and manipulation language based on ODMG OQL and programming interfaces for C++ and Java.
Posted on January 29, 2006